maybe its only avaible on phi hi islands :thumbs:The more challenging the better!
or maybe in all harbours. it might be harder to lay to the dock ;D
That Picture looks like the White Cliffs of Dover ;)Isn't Dover in the next version? I heard that somewhere.
( (
( (
It IS the white cliffs of Dover and the waves are higher.We sure are unlocking secrets aren't we?(
Ahoy Ship(sim)mates
No secret at all. What You see in the teaser is the Strait of Dover. And as the Strait is a part of the English Channel the wave hights are the same as in open water, and NOT as in an harbour.
Perhaps we take a look at the Ship Simulator 2010 trailer and see what we see, but are not realizing that we are seeing. Lets start off with a wave limit in harbours. As it appears in the trailer, that VSTEP has either taken the limit away (Not likely) or made the limit higher. Because if you look in this picture, it is obvious that those waves are much higher than our current limit in harbours. The mountains behind all the ships makes it obvious that it is not an open ocean. See what I'm talking about.Perhaps in SS10, outside the harbour walls the sea is normal sea conditions and inside the harbour it will be calmer as if the harbour walls do what they do in real life. Shelter the harbour from rough waves. ;)
I hope so,
Dover - Calais is about 20 miles, and the current Marseille map covers about the same area, so it's possible that Dover and Calais could be in the same map...
Sherpa entering Dover in 25-meter (significant wave height) sea.
The harbor waves are set at 0.75 meters (swh).
I don’t know if independent settings for sheltered areas will be in SS 2010.
Is this from ShipSim 2010?
Does this imply that we will have Dover Port?
No, it is SS Pro. The 2010 teaser shows a shot of the white cliffs, so I guess that implies that Dover will be in SS 2010 since the environment is made.
The present Dover is limited in extent: The white sea extends 0.84 nm south of the west entrance to the harbor. However, there are no environment limits established yet. I don’t know if it is feasible to extend a single environment to Calais.
I just had a look at this port of dover via google earth. This environment would be extremely limited and thats to say the least. So far Australia is the only port I am looking forward too.
Australia is a continent & a nation. Sydney is the port that will be in SS 2010.
I just had a look at this port of dover via google earth. This environment would be extremely limited and thats to say the least. So far Australia is the only port I am looking forward too.
It may not just be the Port of Dover though, as i said somewhere, if VSTEP models the whole channel with all the ports (Dover, Dunkerque, Calais) it will be brilliant for ferrying. This is actually possible to put Dover and Calais in the same enviroment, as the two are only about 20 mile apart. Currently the Marseille enviroment covers the same, if not more area, so it's perfectly possible for this to happen. Who knows yet though...That would be like heaven though wouldn't it?
Sherpa entering Dover in 25-meter (significant wave height) sea.Hmm, attachment gone. :(
The harbor waves are set at 0.75 meters (swh).
I don’t know if independent settings for sheltered areas will be in SS 2010.
It may not just be the Port of Dover though, as i said somewhere, if VSTEP models the whole channel with all the ports (Dover, Dunkerque, Calais) it will be brilliant for ferrying. This is actually possible to put Dover and Calais in the same enviroment, as the two are only about 20 mile apart. Currently the Marseille enviroment covers the same, if not more area, so it's perfectly possible for this to happen.
mvsmith told us above, the SS Pro Dover isn't very big, but who knows what VSTEP will do with it from now and the release of SS10.
Hmm, attachment gone. :(
Makes me wonder if it will be in SS2010...
Hi Nathan,
A Dover—Calais environment would need to be about 20 nm wide. The diagonal extent of Marseille is only about 16 nm from the NE corner of the harbor to the SW corner of the environment. Most ocean environments are only 15 nm wide. It is not certain that there is a limit at that value.
Yeah. And Marseilles is are longest harbour in Ship Simulator
Well I have that now.. and sometimes it struggles on the really heavy missions with a lot of traffic..
Soo.. dunno.. ::)
Might be the minimum, but for a really good sim experience, a bit more might be handy..
All of which is still all speculation of course.. It'll be clear once the sim is alot further in development..
However, operating the computer for a long time and just keep putting new hardware into it could blow it up if it simply too old and cannot handle new technology it was not build to run on.
Ok, guys... Back to discussing SS10.Could be a addition to the Phi Phi enviroment. Like a new island.. Other than that I don't know..
In a teaser video there was a tropic environment shown. I was looking everywhere on Phi Phi Islands in Mission Editor from different angles & I haven't found a place with such shape mountains which were in the video:
So, probably there's some other tropical environment in SS10 + to release Phi Phi islands again in 3rd time I think would be boring...
Sorry, if this was said somewhen in endless topics about SS10, haven't found it myself.
Could be a addition to the Phi Phi enviroment. Like a new island.. Other than that I don't know..
SS2010 will be for sale in Czech Republic? Today is only the SS2006.
so, has anyone tried out the website that I posted earlyer? and this is what I ment by P&O dominating the port of Dover. here are some good pics of the port of dover so you get a good perspective of the harbour if it were on SS10.
P&O have the most ships going from Dover,
Pride of Burgundy
Pride of Kent & Pride of Canterbury are sister ships.
Pride of Dover & Pride of Calais are sister ships (soon to be scraped for two new ships, should be coming 2010-11.)
European Seaway & European Endeavour(Freight Ships)
Sea France have 4-5 Ships I think, not too sure.
Calais is like under the question as it not shown in the video + no infos about it from the SS pro. But I hope it'll be there together with Dover & English channel, because to have only Dover would be like somehow boring.
What do you think if they will add in SS2010 in the multiplayer the abillity to talk between players with a microphone or something like we use in yahoo messenger?
From my oppinion it will be much better.When you whant to type a msg to somebody you can't control the vessel.But so you will need to push only a buttuon and talk.
This thing if they add to it it will encrease verry much the realism of the game.I don;t know if it will be hard or easy to put this option in the game.What do you think about this??
Got some mysterious new vessels in the new screenshots:,14308.0.html (,14308.0.html)
Not so mysterious, I think. At least one of them has the name emblazoned down the side. :evil:
There is only 2 mysterious ships, and one, as pointed out by Terry has some funny squiggles alongside...Looks almost like writing... Must be some alien dialect...
"GreenPeace"... ???
Any ideas about that thing on the 2nd image? Doesn't look like an oil rig. Doesn't look like a crane ship also. ???That would be the Erik Raude, its pretty clear to me in the picture. The very same Erik Raude we have right now.
That would be the Erik Raude, its pretty clear to me in the picture. The very same Erik Raude we have right now.Don't know about you, but it seems your eyes are deceiving you. ;D
No, dont see any picture. He said the second one, so i assumed it was the second picture that FrankVSTEP posted. It is the Erik Raude.
EDIT:EDIT: Or the Jumbo?
I just saw a ship out in the background of that second pic :P I think thats what he may be talking about, but i dont see any pics in his post. I believe that may be the Jumbo Javelin, but not too sure. :-\
This is the picture DIAMANT posted:
Are you going to tell me that is the Erik Raude? :doh:
EDIT: Or the Jumbo?
It looks most like a drillship—such as the JOIDES ship Resolution, or another Ocean Drilling Project vessel.
Isnt the derrick supposed to be straight then? ;)
Straight relative to the shipnot always relative to the sea when the ship is underway.
Norman 1
Your picture markings give it three cranes. ??? One big one and two smaller ones with the jibs lowered. Verrrry interrrresting. :-X But Ballast, have you never seen ships etc. on the horizon and wondered what they were? I can remember seeing three big funnels showing on the horizon and everyone was arguing about what ship it was, it turned out to be the Queen Mary, the first one that is, not the current one. Psst, don't tell everyone how long ago that was. :doh:
And what of the ships seen with the Esperanza? I don't think they're frigates. They almost look like some other navy vessel, but I'm not 100% sure....These are whaling vessels.
OK. This has to be the last one, before Frank stomps me.
It looks like one of the AI ships in the current version.It almost has more of a more futuristic/aerodynamic look to me. Can anyone magnify it? Seeing its details is hard at that resolution.
Interesting. Here the north region is called "arctic" & the south where Antarctida is - "antarctic".
A hint that we'll have an option to launch lifeboats soon?
You didn't got my point. I ment that if lifeboat is mentioned on that picture too & in slideshow there was about SS Pro or SS10, could be that there will be an option to launch lifeboats if they're shown as a moving parts, as I said before.
That gives a fantastic insight to how ships are put together and helps us modellers to attempt to have our vessels put into the game.Wow! Thanks Diamant, that will help me too!
Thank you for sharing that, it helped me a lot :)
You're welcome. I found myself that slideshow is very helpful to understand what & how exactly should be done all those things which you are facing during the 3D modeling stage.Yeah, I didn't realize that about the lightmap...Now I don't have to wait 6 minutes for a clay render! ;D
Don't understand yet what is a Lightmap & how to do it. I guess that SU is out about this subject & I'm not good at Photoshop. So will need some help maybe. :PI could help you with lightmaps. Basically, it is just a texture to make the ship LOOK like it is realistically lit. If you ever need help, don't be intimidated to ask me.
I'm surprised VSTEP hasn't shared this with us sooner - perhaps then they may have fewer questions from modellers :)Yes, this could have gotten a lot of projects done sooner probably. Now I can get started on my lightmap! :evil:
I'm glad I have a better insight as to what actually needs doing now though :)
will the ss 2010 have waves that are randomized heights like in the real world?Well there will be a better sea model.
( it.. That's a feature of Pro.. And I don't see VSTEP adding this to the game version..
Do you think the same as I'm thinking? ::)
For the new ships on a later version like 2012. I was thinking the Wizard, Knock Nevis, Emma Maersk, and when technology improves ss maybe put a submarine in the game. (not likely though)There already was an Emma Maersk project, they said we couldn't use their name.
There already was an Emma Maersk project, they said we couldn't use their name.Who said that?
"In early 2010, we will be launching a virtual version of the Rainbow Warrior III in cooperation with VSTEP, makers of the "Ship Simulator" series of games for the PC. Drawn from the actual 3-D CAD drawings and specs to which the ship will be built, game players will be able to sail the virtual Rainbow Warrior through realistic sea and weather conditions and re-enact Greenpeace voyages to stop nuclear weapons testing, save the whales, and protect Antarctica -- on their own PC or in multi-player mode online. The game will also feature our ship the Esperanza and the jet boat the 'Billy G" will also be included in the game."
2 new boats from Greenpeace to SS... ::)
Well it hasn't been confirmed that Calais isn't in Extremes, so it is a case of fingers crossed...
Also, anyone know what Greenpeace vessel Billy G looks like?
I have to agree with you there and also I wouldn't mind paying even up to £10-15 for extra environments and ships
I have to agree with you there and also I wouldn't mind paying even up to £10-15 for extra environments and ships
Right Aad,
As you're in the Netherlands- nip on over to Vsteps office with lots of BEER and a contract... Get Pjotr drunk and then get him to sign up to this :evil: :o
Sounds like a plan to me! ;D
I am still hoping for Calais and Dover to be on the same map though...
Same, Dover to Calais and back is what I could do all day! :)
I think you are confusing a semi submersable oil rig for a factory whaler (photo)
Whaling vessels have very large cranes, two at most and almost look like oilrigs from afar. This was told by me of what Whaling Ships look like. :thumbs:
TankerS More than one Bora bora :thumbs: And This new company what is that is that replacing Lighthouse interactive?
I thought the opening was funny:
May contain Content inappropriate for Children
Those nude ships... :doh:
Edit: Too late :doh: x2
May contain Content inappropriate for Children
May contain Content inappropriate for Children[/i]
Indeed, but that's what the ESRB rating board requires us to do if we want to avoid the video being banned. It's a fairly new guideline for all videos of games they have not yet rated. Even Spore had this in its trailer.
Anyway, we are grateful of all your feedback and wishes and while we cannot please everyone (not by a mile) and/or put everything in Extremes, and we realise that we are sometimes too busy to give you guys frequent updates, rest assured that everything is read and taken into account when we have design meetings. Bottom line is that we all wanna make this a game you'll love playing. Because, as I have told numerous journalists over the last couple of days at GamesCom: our community is and always will be very important to us.
Keep up the good work and keep on posting!
Indeed, but that's what the ESRB rating board requires us to do if we want to avoid the video being banned. It's a fairly new guideline for all videos of games they have not yet rated. Even Spore had this in its trailer.
Anyway, we are grateful of all your feedback and wishes and while we cannot please everyone (not by a mile) and/or put everything in Extremes, and we realise that we are sometimes too busy to give you guys frequent updates, rest assured that everything is read and taken into account when we have design meetings. Bottom line is that we all wanna make this a game you'll love playing. Because, as I have told numerous journalists over the last couple of days at GamesCom: our community is and always will be very important to us.
Keep up the good work and keep on posting!
Now the trailer just says, "Coming Soon" :P
I still wonder what stage SSE is in (Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Gamma/Delta).
I definitely like the idea of someone like Frank posting here :2thumbs: Even more frequent updates like that would be euphoric, if possible.
Well, does Dover look like a large environment..., maybe 20miles or so...?
Doesn't it depend if it has
Dover-Calais in the same environment
Or just 'plain' Dover
Ah, but you missed the subtlety.If someone Important responds by saying, it is a large environment, that would be a good sign...
I agree Tractorman, There can't be as much as The Solent. or Rotterdam
Someone important??? ???
Ah... Stuart2007 says "it is a large environment".
Happy? ;D
I meant someone who has seen the game, maybe from VSTEP...
Modesty thy name is Stuart2007! I'm really looking foward to the new one :2thumbs:I'm sorry Mr McGherkin... If you wish to speak, you must make an appointment with my butler ;D
Just want to draw everybody's attention to the Ship Simulator Pro website, in particular the Boats page. (
Now if we look at the Ship Sim Gamescom Trailer, at 51 seconds the two frigates are different classes. I suspect that they are the Karel Doorman Class Frigate, and the La Fayette Class Frigate.
Also, the specs sheet for the vessels are there too, which should make for some interesting reading....
We have portsmouth!?! it's in the solent environment... and i dare say the environment will be extended, like rotterdam was extended for ss08
Just want to draw everybody's attention to the Ship Simulator Pro website, in particular the Boats page.very intresting :) (
Now if we look at the Ship Sim Gamescom Trailer, at 51 seconds the two frigates are different classes. I suspect that they are the Karel Doorman Class Frigate, and the La Fayette Class Frigate.
Also, the specs sheet for the vessels are there too, which should make for some interesting reading....
Wow the graphics are astonishing!
I don't have to do that! ;Dthey are just renders.
Looks more like a blueprints to me. :-\
they are just renders.I agree, there has been some image enhancing been going on.. The trailor footage doesn't look as good as the images that VSTEP have released..
Looks more like a blueprints to me. :-\What's that directed to? :P I don't see blueprints? ???
I must say, dover does look rather nice..
Very nice, although the PoR isn't berthed properly
And no sign of Calais
But, at least we have Dover :P
She can dock at any piers above 215m long...but the ramp will not fit any berth at Dover, except maybe 1 :thumbdown:
Although there is Calais in ship Sim pro, has anyone actually seen a picture of it?
('m sold! When do pre-orders begin? ;D
( are those? ???
by my highly educated guess those are navigational lamps!
Correction...The Term "Navigation Lamps" hasn't been around in years, They're called Navigation Lights (Or Nav. Lights for short) now... ;D Or is this your attempt to be sarcastic :lol: well done
We don't go around lighting parafin lamps anymore :lol: :D
found the "mysterious ship" from the picture of the oil rig firefight, if it's not too late.
It's the natural gas platform from SSP 2.0! (
Also note the rigid inflatable boat as seen in the most recent trailer.
I think it should be this way :PWell in that direction the name is mirrored! :P
I admire your intelligence Agent|Austin :lol:
I know the ship's name writing wrong, picture only for nav.lights. :thumbs: I think I do not have to explain this
Why on Esperanza's starboard the side light is red ?If you give the light at one side red-red, the other side must been green-green. That means the way you can sail along the ship.
Why on Esperanza's starboard the side light is red ?
I must say, dover does look rather nice..
has anyone seen the new longer trailor yet? It clearly shows the valley were dover is alog with the castle and the as the locals call it "the western entrance". See it all on this video or at the main shipsim website.
I have seen in pictures it being rough at Dover but rather calm the other side of the harbour walls..
There are known knowns - things we know we know, and there are known unknowns - things we know we don't know, but there are also unknown unknowns - things we don't know we don't know (but it will almost certainly be very good)
behind the esperanza there appears to be the japanese whaleing fleet hopefully these are player ships, not to kill whales just so I can sink them over and over again, also wouldn't the steve irwin been a better choice than the esperanza for a whaleing ship?
ShipSim is a non-violent game... Helping other vessels to Davy Jones' locker and jeperdize both crews isnt really what we are looking for :thumbs:
ShipSim is a non-violent game... Helping other vessels to Davy Jones' locker and jeperdize both crews isnt really what we are looking for :thumbs:
I foresee MP is going to be very fun... :doh:
Only for a while until the situation with the number of usermade servers, similar to what we have now.
Only for a while until the situation with the number of usermade servers, similar to what we have now.Wrong, make that until the readings of the number of people on any given server become wildly inaccurate.
Wrong, make that until the readings of the number of people on any given server become wildly inaccurate.There are a number of reasons for the dimise of MP, all of which we shouldn't dwell on.. I still have great times on MP, just imagine how good the new MP will be in SSE.. :P
There are a number of reasons for the dimise of MP, all of which we shouldn't dwell on.. I still have great times on MP, just imagine how good the new MP will be in SSE.. :P
The game will improve, of course... But the people who like playing dodgems will still be there...
Well, if they do, Horatio Ferryman will get his Destroyer out... :evil:
Drum Roll Please...
A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away
Cue Famous Music
Dah Dah Da-Da-Da-Dah Da
Anarchy Has Struck the Ship Simulator Forum.
The Evil Ferry Man Empire has constructed a
new vessel, far larger than any previously built
in the Shipyard...
Launching...The TFM Class Imperial Star Destroyer...
Okay, so she's not a mile long, I have constrained her to some more ... suitable units
400m long
150m wide
Propelled by Three Super Powered Water Jets
No One can stop me now ;D
The Ferry Man
Oh, no! Don't remind me about that! :doh:,12358.msg148062.html#msg148062
Seems like our Ferryman is up to take over the World, starting from this forum?
Nope just the rammers...
If I see a rammer I will...
Ugh! Then in future I'll avoid any meeting with you on MP, as I always like to fly on Agile Solution & JJ. ::)
No, I only fly with my ship above their heads...
Or when some rammer is rushing to me to implement his evil plan - I just "fly away" with my ship. ;D
Well you are perfectly safe...
Here is a recent interview given by Frank Dolmans regarding SS Extremes.
This was published two days ago by GamesCom.
We also have a cooperation with Greenpeace and a Greenpeace campaign will be one of the available storyline campaigns in the game. In this campaign players will play the part of a Greenpeace captain taking on ecological missions like saving whales. All missions are based on existing Greenpeace missions and will feature exclusive Greenpeace vessels.Interesting! :)
Ahoy Marty,
But we can hope/dream, can't we?
"All vessels featured in the game over 30 by now Must be refering to SSE, 'cause the actual shipcount for SS08 is 27
Not sure if that "over 30 by now" is referring to SS08 or SSE..
Yeah, same old stuff... :P
It looks like either they are planning for us a big surprise in SSE where everyone's wishes will be satisfied or a big disappointment if there won't be Dover-Calais in one environment (together with it's ferries), floating cranes & proper offshore fleet! :thumbdown:
VSTEP just released this video about an hour ago, and it gives you at least somewhat of an idea of how Dover appears in SSP 2.0. (
I noticed that the waves in the harbor are lower than outside!
Also, I never heard Pjotr's voice before ;D
Any idea on what the sound from 5:11 to 5:17 is?
Oh ye of little faith. ::)
By the time it is released this forum will have died!Nah, this forum won't die...
Nah, this forum won't die...
I won't let it... ;D
then we are at least 2 ;D ( slide 4: "Dover" and "Calais" listed adjacent to each other.
so you think that Dover and Calais will be in the home version in the same enviroment?
Well this is the big question...
We won;t know until either:
a) someone from VSTEP sSpambot the beans...
b) the game is released...
of course we have made the campaign to show VSTEP how valueable an idea it is ;D
Does anyone know if Calais is in the SS pro? On the page ( )
calais isnt mentioned. So i think if calais isnt in SS pro, we wont get it either. :'(
I think Calais is in Pro v2, although I haven;'t seen any pictures fro Calais... :'(
Nah, this forum won't die...
I won't let it... ;D
( think it to old :captain:
Mabye ??? ::)
Mabye ??? ::)
( is the hemma
Mabye ??? ::)
Well, the developers have made a lot efforts to solve this problem. So you'll see rough waves outside and calm waves inside the sheltered port. This can be seen a little bit on several pics...
Does anyone know if Calais is in the SS pro? On the page ( )I've seen the Dover Enviroment and i think it pritty good, exept VSTEP forgot to add the Seacat berth in the western docks! that could prove useful in one way or another. Also, Berth 1 is a little small.
calais isnt mentioned. So i think if calais isnt in SS pro, we wont get it either. :'(
I think Calais is in Pro v2, although I haven;'t seen any pictures fro Calais... :'(it was on this :2thumbs:link
Kapn jonah stop being so cocky and smart !Hi Scanman,
Has I've seen the Dover Enviroment and i think it pritty good, exept VSTEP forgot to add the Seacat berth in the western docks! that could prove useful in one way or another. Also, Berth 1 is a little small.
Do you mean the one that is going to be demolished soon?
As in probably demolished before SSE is out? Seems a good reason to me for not including it...
That would be good, we could include havin the SNR4 hovercrafts in it and the seacats two!and EVERY ship that ever sailed the straits.
No it would make a nice historical representation...And start with the last ice age, when Dover-Calais (in the same environment) was part of one land mass. When Britain was really part of Europe and not the proud sovereign nation that it was until yesterday afternoon, at about news time. :( >:(
i say after we win with our Dover-Calais Campaign we go for a Dover through the Ages Campaign
maybe its only avaible on phi hi islands :thumbs:are they doing phi phi this year :captain:
or maybe in all harbours. it might be harder to lay to the dock ;D
are they doing phi phi this year :captain:
are they doing phi phi this year :captain:
Good question
There was shown Bora Bora,
A good question... There was shown Bora Bora, can't remember if Phi Phi was there or anywhere else.I think Phi Phi is off the list this year. :captain:
mmmmmmmmmm. Before WM pops up and tells you, you do realise you have posted this same post which has, with all due respect, not got any pictures in it that everyone hasn't already seen.
mmmmmmmmmm. Before WM pops up and tells you, you do realise you have posted this same post which has, with all due respect, not got any pictures in it that everyone hasn't already seen.
The thumbscrews worked well ;D
I found a new picture of the Rainbow Warrior IIIhow do you get the pics when they haven't finished it?
how do you get the pics when they haven't finished it?
Well with cunning Edge and sneaky sneak, Lol,
They are 99% finish, just bugs and missing scripts they have to work on :) Allways bugs who take the longest time to finish.
google and/or greenpeace site will do too, you know. ;)
They are 99% finish, just bugs and missing scripts they have to work on :) Allways bugs who take the longest time to finish.WOW :o
They are 99% finish, just bugs and missing scripts they have to work on :) Allways bugs who take the longest time to finish.Wishful thinking, eh?!!! :angel:
I have sent e-mail asking v-step if its possible to give update on extremes
Thanks :thumbs: :thumbs:
We haven't had an update since it was announced we was getting Dover-Calais
I'm getting tired of all these rumors, just shut it and wait for Vstep to announce the real date!
And amazon has been wrong many times before ;)
What????Ask Fred to explain...
I have no idea what you just said
Sadsid, any response from VSTEP yet...?
TFM, you do know it's still only January, don't you? :lol: Give it time...
I know that. I mean its a bit optimistic to expect a reply yet...
Why not spend your time bombarding P&O management with hate mail :evil:
I doubt P&O would respond to a "Bring back the Bilbao route" Campaign like VSTEP...I know, TFM... P&O will keep contracting until they have half a dozen rowing boats, and even then look at what to sell off.
yer hi, right i no this is a complete change of subject but i new so i only have ship sim 2008 version 1.1: does anyone know were i can get a download for the next versions 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. i would really appreciate it!
No Sorry but will keep trying for you if you look at terry's last release pack
sailing yatch Quote
VSTEP will continue to release new high quality free add-on packs for Ship Simulator 2008 at the Shipyard on a weekly basis leading up to the release of the new Ship Simulator Extremes game in June 2010.
June now eh..
I missed that
Okay I can wait that long...
Well, we can always spend the next 5 months protesting at PO HQ, Dover instead, TFM! >:(
6M, since you seem to be our direct line of communication with VSTEP, you should use your considerable influence to get them to stick to the April deadline. Tell them that June is simply not acceptable. Perhaps if you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue…
6M, since you seem to be our direct line of communication with VSTEP, you should use your considerable influence to get them to stick to the April deadline. Tell them that June is simply not acceptable. Perhaps if you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue…
Oh yes. Surprises a'plenty still to come. :2thumbs:
***thinks how many AI Vessels are in SS08...
Looking good...
Is there still a Chance for April Release?
VSTEP will continue to release new high quality free add-on packs for Ship Simulator 2008 at the Shipyard on a weekly basis leading up to the release of the new Ship Simulator Extremes game in June 2010.
Well, you haven't got quite all the vessels in your list. For instance, the Jumbo Pontoon is a separate vessel to Javelin. Last month I was studying the technical specifications for Maersk Discoverer... (no promises, though)
But, I also have a couple of things that aren't AI, nor static nor player vessels. You couldn't guess them...
We could do... :D
Last month I was studying the technical specifications for Maersk Discoverer... (no promises, though)
i have got to ask
what is the name of the Frigate will be on it
Just another deep sea plant (oil/gas rig)? ;)
A self-steaming, steerable rig. Does about 5.5 kts :thumbs:I know, Maersk has a whole fleet of those "ships", but I can already hear our impatient users crying ::), because they have to wait a long :sleepy: time before any movement became visible. But yes, it is impressive!
their we have a problem, the game are not realized and therefor we don't know the name of the Frigate
But, I also have a couple of things that aren't AI, nor static nor player vessels. You couldn't guess them...I might guess the Fairmount Fjell maybe? ::) :evil:
Nope. No more guessing, because I won't respond any more. :thumbs:
I heared from my uncle's neighbor who's brother is best friends with the sister in law of the mother of a developer, that this month's issue of the ShipSim Magazine has some great news about SSE! :thumbs:
even if it is 2 months after my birthday... ::)
It Does!Thats a bit later than anticipated, but yey!
Pre-order available soon on the Ship Sim website.
I don't belive it until i hold SSE in my Hands and by the Way the 6th is a Sunday isn't there something Strange ? :evil:
Off anywhere nice?
Sorry Ballast, but NOWHERE is nice if you have to go in a flying spam can to get there...
It Does!
Pre-order available soon on the Ship Sim website.
Yeah, Can't wait!!! :2thumbs:me two (or three) :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:
It Does!What TIME though? ??? (before someone asks for real) ::)
What TIME though? ??? (before someone asks for real) ::)
So if I go to GAME in the middle of the night...
I am genuinely surprised that no one has asked for real yet!
No, you should go to Paradox's offices, beat the delivery men!
Beat them with WHAT? A heavy wooden object?
watch this : ???
Jeez, didn't mean to offend anyone, I thought it was Paradox, that's why i'm asking why it says otherwise! ::)
Yes on the Pro Version there are transitions between harbour areas and open sea.
But DC will be ITSE..
Well. i just read at
And it says:
System Requirements
- Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
- Pentium 4 2.4GHz or AMD equivalent 1GB (Windows XP) or 2GB (Vista or Windows 7)
- GeForce 6800 or ATI X1800 (with 256MB memory)
- Sound card
- Mouse with scroll wheel
- Optional: Joystick, Joypad or Steering wheel
Its already on sale on a well trusted Dutch marketing site:doesn't seem like a good site to me...
That's just formal. In reality even those users with high spec pc's will still be having problems as SS is very capricious game when it comes to true system requirements. :PYes.
doesn't seem like a good site to me...
Half of my games came from that site :P
then why dont you buy the game then and see if it really is SSE or not? if it has been out since october 2008 then it would have a cover for it by now.
( strongly feel those aren't real shots, each of them have their kinks, like the Titanic picture, and her wake is all wacky, and in the one of the classic yacht, you can clearly see that:
Found new pictures... enjoy!
I strongly feel those aren't real shots, each of them have their kinks, like the Titanic picture, and her wake is all wacky, and in the one of the classic yacht, you can clearly see that:
A: The picture of the boat was just pasted on, look at it in full res and it's lower quality than the rest of the pic too
B: The huts are clearly real...
There's even more, but I won't get into those. :police:
6th june.
00:00, assuming there isn't a last minute hiccup...
I'll download the Dutch version. ;D
Is it just me or has anyone noticed there is a new front cover for SSE! :thumbs:it is
So Amazon have had a go at making their own front cover :D ASnyone with photoshop could make that front cover though, looks a bit "false" to me
Kind Regards
But if you kept a sharp eye out in game there'd be no sinking :angel:
How would anyone here know how ships sink in SSE?
Of course in Ship Sim we also have the thingy as requested by memebers of the Ship SIm Community
There will be two Navy vessels In SSEwhat are the Names?
I was wondering that. Surely Dover-Calais would be a great selling point, but apart from Traddles "unofficial" announcement it doesn't seem to have been mentioned anywhere.
If they have not been active on the forum, why assume that any of them would be interested in the fact that there would be a single environment including the ports of Dover and Calais? If an official statement of that fact were ever made.
Do anybody know what graphics card/video card that is required to run ship simulator extremes?
Does anyone know the minimal system requirements, i.e. CPU, RAM, etc, (you get the idea :sleepy:) My computer is busted with 1.66 GHz, and SS08 wont work
Any speculation on whether a particular system wiill perform satisfactorily with Extremes is just that –speculation.
The true requirements for Extremes will not be known until the completion of beta testing, if then.
We spend much time answering complaints from users who say their systems meet the published minimum requirements for SS 2008.
Meeting such requirements is not the whole story. How you have installed SS, how you have configured your system, what else is running in the background, all affect the performance.
have they started beta testing yet?
If they say "Yes, we have started the beta testing" or "Nope, not yet" - will the answer change something in your life?
If they say "Yes, we have started the beta testing" or "Nope, not yet" - will the answer change something in your life?
Where did you get that picture?google :P
here is a screen shot for SSE with the rainbow warrior in it. :2thumbs:
MAKING WAVES: An artist's impression of the 57-metre, $50 million Rainbow Warrior III sailing ship, which should be ready by 2011.
Any speculation on whether a particular system wiill perform satisfactorily with Extremes is just that –speculation.So you don't know the requirements until they beta test it?
The true requirements for Extremes will not be known until the completion of beta testing, if then.
We spend much time answering complaints from users who say their systems meet the published minimum requirements for SS 2008.
Meeting such requirements is not the whole story. How you have installed SS, how you have configured your system, what else is running in the background, all affect the performance.
I think you all make it for yourself so difficult,with all the speculations what and what's not in the Exstremes version.Well i could wait even though my anxiety is to high. But i don't remain focus on it everyday especially if i was playing SS08. 8)
Why just not waith and see.
I think this way you can make yourself dissepointed,when a particular vessel seems not to be in the new version.
Just leave it untill it's on the marked.
Or!! when Vstep opens a bit the door.
Well i could wait even though my anxiety is to high. But i don't remain focus on it everyday especially if i was playing SS08. 8)
there's a way to edit the game file to raise the limit, but it might ruin the file permanently.
This is a long discussed subject. It's an ILLEGAL breach to the EULA. You didn't read any of it, did you?
isn't Singapore sspro and under consruction? ??? vstep might put it in sse! ;D
Dover and Calais officially announced by VSTEP in the latest issue of the magazine :doh:i mean by my singapore idea
The only thing missing now is a fewDover ferriesand an SN-R4 hovercraft :doh:
Fixed. Who needs ferries?
The only thing missing now is a lots of Dover ferries and an SR-N4 mk II hovercraft and an SR-N4 mk III hovercraft :doh:
isn't Singapore sspro and under consruction? ??? vstep might put it in sse! ;D
Why the big red text? :S
You aren't doing it right...
i don't know if anyone noticed and/or mentioned this but the boxcover has higher and more realistic waves :thumbs:.
WoW! is this good?
back to the subject............. i suppose that with DCITSE multiplayer servers, that there should be one where the sea is calm and one where it is calm in the harbour and its rough outside! I think its a great idea.
didn't SSE come out yesterday?
didn't SSE come out yesterday?:doh: Epic Fail. :P You can't believe the crap (for lack of a better word) they have on the amazon page...obviously extremely in-accurate. The release date was changed many times, and somehow they came up with April 13th out of "Q1 2010" :P :doh:
Over here in the UK you can preorder it from, and they say it will be released on the 4th of june, will any of them ever get it right? ::)>:( >:( >:( >:( how come you get all of the good stuff and we don't in the us!?HOW UNFAIR!Even the release date is before us! >:( >:( >:( >:( _____
Seems like Agile made in to SSE only with retexturing & with new dynamics. No changes in her 3D design. :-\
+ Still no shadows.
I notice a distinct difference in "Agile Solutions'" lifeboat in that picture.
Seems like Magerkin is again removing posts. A bad forum etiquette.
Our release date is June 6th, same as everywhere else.yeah but you'll get it first because you live closer. >: P
Actually, the USA usually gets the first dibs at most of the major games.
yeah but you'll get it first because you live closer. >: P
and its more detalied to, maybe its possible to use it?
Ive just been on the vstep website and on projects i saw theseThat has been shown before in topics on the bulk ship from the Super Pack.
are they going to be added to ss2008 anytime soon
and another thing
Lock masters seems to be a good game check it out here
Look, calm down. It's easier for them to get it since, like you said, they live closer. Also, they don't always get things first. Be careful where you use that word. The US gets the first dibs to major releases most of the time. ;)
SS isn't a major release. Anyway, you'll have SSEx soon enough, don't worry. It's a fact of life, Europeans are probably going to get SS sooner because they live in Europe. You can't change that. ;)
ok. you do have a point there. i got a little out of control and a little bit in a bad mood. sorrydid you l ::) k at my post?
That has been shown before in topics on the bulk ship from the Super Pack.
That ship, which has erroneously been called a repaint of Latitude, was borrowed from that other VSTEP project and given propulsion.
The presence of a “Bulk†attachment in the 2008 mission editor leads to speculation that the bulk crane might make an appearance as well.
What your seeing there is the Dry bulk simulator. Its on the VSTEP website.
here's the pic
bij staat er augustus 2010
It's funny how when we approach the latest release date, it backs away from us, keeping the distance of 2 - 3 months. ;D
Let's give VSTEP the chance to get things right first time (famous last word) ;) :P
It annoys me sometimes, but you can't win, if they say Q2 or Q3 then you want to know more exact, if they have "in 2010" then people want to know if its tomorrow or at the very end of the year and if they don't say at all people still what to know. And when they do say when, they just push it forwards. so its a no win situation.
But it was like what i said in one these discussions throughout this forum. Development takes time especially when it comes to building games of great complexity. They must make sure that the game with ships and environments are implemented properly before they can move on otherwise it might end up like what they did to the Flying Cloud and Wachthaven III with no wake, smoke, etc. Creating 3d games like SS won't be that easy and bound to take a longer period to implement.
Ok, that's understandable and, knowing the SS08, that's welcome. :thumbs:
But when there will be revealed more info about SSE?
but, in the topic in the link, what sadsid said was relesed halfway through April, when the Flying cloud superpack came out, and its past the end of April.
Okay thanks for the infoHard one to answer the more complicated the game the longer the testing so
In general is Alpha testing usually a long process?
Wonder if ship sim extreme is going to be a bit more stable then ss2008 , which is basicly a unstable piece of rubbish and not really something that can be called a simulator.
If the game runs fine on your computer you probably never played it online.
The game crashes way to often and isnt detailed enough to be called a simulator.
You seem to enjoy to cause drama since almost all of your 19 posts say something bad about the simulator. If you don't like the game, then why are you still here?
Played online last night
and a few nights before that...
Are you sure it isn't your system?
If it was just my system you really think you would see plenty of posts about it on the forums?
Also the lag that is messing up with some servers causing your ships to sink isnt really helping either.
And i played it last night aswell , spend like 30 min. going through new york with a latitude.
Then all the sudden the game decided to crash.
yeah sure , its my connection.
Every other of my 40 games i have played on this computer run fine.
The game is c rap, its nothing like a simulator suppose to be.
If you look at other games like flight simulator or sail simulator , they have way better details which make it a proper simulator.
So a game like ship simulator 2008 which doesnt have something like a current or the ability to change your lights if your towed just isnt a simulator.
yeah sure , its my connection.
Every other of my 40 games i have played on this computer run fine.
The game is nothing like a simulator suppose to be.
If you look at other games like flight simulator or sail simulator , they have way better details which make it a proper simulator.
So a game like ship simulator 2008 which doesnt have something like a current or the ability to change your lights if your towed just isnt a simulator.
So a game like ship simulator 2008 which doesnt have something like a current or the ability to change your lights if your towed just isnt a simulator.
yeah sure , its my connection.
Every other of my 40 games i have played on this computer run fine.
The game is rubbish, its nothing like a simulator suppose to be.
If you look at other games like flight simulator or sail simulator , they have way better details which make it a proper simulator.
So a game like ship simulator 2008 which doesnt have something like a current or the ability to change your lights if your towed just isnt a simulator.
Or even better build one yourself. I do not, and have never, had any problems with Ship Simulator. I have been playing it for two years, both on MP and off. Like I said, this is not the game throwing up this error, or every computer it runs on would fail. It is an error derived from the computer running it.
1. Current.
No doubt this is a feature of the €4000 professional simulator that Vstep sells. You pay for that kind of realism.
2. Towing lights.
Look the next time you hook up a tow. See the lights change accordingly? Moor up and turn the engines off. See the lights go off? You should try doing a little research before making yourself look daft.
Oh, and putting a space in a swearword does not make it allowed. If a moderator catches you, they will act accordingly.
Ok im gonna put this nicely because ive read all your posts if you dont like SS and the way it runs on your PC there are 3 Options
1) Go Buy Virtual Sailor Perfect for low spec PCs and it features a Online Feature
2) Go Buys FS ore MSTS those are two simulators that dont take as much specs as ship sim as
3) Go Buy a New PC
Ship Sim Requires 2.4ghz
A STABLE INTERNERT Connection (I used your Word)
So those are you options i find when ive played SS online in the past that you can for sure play SS for hours without a single error message ive been playing SS science i heard of SS06 So If you dont like SS06 or SS08 Please refer to the above options THANK YOU and SSE will probarbly not run on your PC so Post your DXdiag so we can see the problem!
Gentlemen,I agree with this. We aren't too concerned about what you are saying, a few people do have stability issues, but what we don't agree with is the way you are behaving. You would do better to examine your attitude, change it, and listen to what people are telling you
You are wasting too much time, and server space, on a foulmouthed ranter.
If he really wanted to improve his MP experience, he would have asked for help on the Technical support or Multiplayer board. A look at his posting history shows that he is just a troll.
We have seen others of his ilk before; they seldom stay long. It would be best to simply ignore him.
VSTEP are very very open to direct suggestions, if you email them they might consider it, assuming they have the time (and that the game is at the level of being able to display that), but that's the biggest difference between VSTEP and like, Microsoft for example, if you email VSTEP you might get a reply from Pjotr himself, but consider the odds of getting a reply from Bill Gates when you email Microsoft.
They can't hide everything for ever. But a pic of DC(ITSE) would be very much appreciated. Even better if it had anSR-N4Incat in the middle of it.
Agreed, but corrected
They can't hide everything for ever. But a pic of DC(ITSE) would be very much appreciated.
Even better if it had aSR-N4IncatSaipem 7000 in the middle of it.
Agreed, but corrected again.
No, just no
If it was just my system you really think you would see plenty of posts about it on the forums?
Also the lag that is messing up with some servers causing your ships to sink isnt really helping either.
And i played it last night aswell , spend like 30 min. going through new york with a latitude.
Then all the sudden the game decided to crash.
Happy now ?
Still doesnt change the fact that ship simulator really need to spend way more time on more details to be called a proper simulator.
Right now trying to get a huge tanker from point a to point b can be done in a way to simple way.
Things like low and high tides.
Being able to moar your ship online , something that cant be done in multiplayer except with anchors.
Also with the new released ships like the inland ships where to bow proppeller isnt working like it does in real.
Also being able to change from full ahead to full back goes way to fast , most ships you have to wait a few seconds before being able to do this.
How come i dont have this problem then with other way high demanding games ?
Cant seem to change the shared memory in the bios it seems.
If ShipSim would have all the functions and possibilities you've mentioned, the game would be inaccessible for most players. I am sure i don't have to mention to you that there are qualified officers with years of experience required 'to sail a huge tanker from A to B'.
Shared memory doesnt really effect it that much , it only uses some of it if it needs to.
You really think that would make the game unplayable ?
Things like low and high tides are pretty simple for anyone who puts a little intrest in ships.
Ship Simulator always needs to. It takes all of the memory that it can grab.
Ah well suppose ill just buy a extra 4gb of memory when i return home.You will need to switch to Windows 7 64-bit in order to use that extra memory.
Why?this one i standing in stavanger norway
Just imagine this standing in the middle of DCITSE! :2thumbs:
Yeah, but we know that will be in SSE.
This DC(ITSE) thingy will be in SSE.
Guys, I specially asked Frank to confirm it for you, his quote was displayed in a previous mag. :lol:
Isn't there a screenshot of Calais in one of the SSPro videos ???,18792.msg254593.html#msg254593
See my post (link above) in SSExtremes board.
No ferries/SR.N4 yet though... :-\
As far as I know, it isn't Vstep's policy to slap names on random vessels.How many missions have you played, considering that they do that quite often?
The size of the companies are not the same.... ;)Yes, I realize this, I'm saying that's why VSTEP is more open.
If you zoom in on the high-res pic, it says "ORIENTAL BLUEBIRD" on the stern. That's the supply ship for the whaling ships -
Proof it is the Oriental Bluebirdit looks more like oriental Blackbuao to me but i have only just woke up :sleepy: :lol:
it looks more like oriental Blackbuao to me but i have only just woke up :sleepy: :lol:
On closer look, it looks like it says "Oriental Blackbird" maybe not a case of slapping on a texture and pretending AS is a different ship :doh:Since when could a Country be a Port (of Registry)? Isn't it always a City? Like Rotterdam instead of Holland?
Port of registry seems to say "Austria"...which is erm..kind of land locked :-\
You did, I think I remember that now...
Can you ask for a Calais screenshot for the next mag then... :angel:
Anybody seen this Dover pic yet?
( (
ah.. nice old and obsolete shot.. ::)
Wow thats exactly why I;m staying up till 12am August 27 so I can play SSE ;Dwell just like pre orders, its going to be released during business hours in a European time zone.
Well.. maybe that's the wrong word.. 'Possibly not directly relevant yet to the new game' might be a better description.
Oh dear :-\ You're not trying to break us down slowly about something are you Fred? :'(
I knew it! There's not going to be Dover-Calais or the Antarctic. The best things in the game :(
You might aswell tell us what it is :doh:
My guess is that Titanic won't be in the game...
i saw a picture from sse somewhere wich had the titanic in
An attempt to.. prepare people to not take everything they have seen in the run up to the new game, as stone cold guarantees of things to come. Since some things will prove.. less feasible, once testing commenced and progressed.
A gaming site that at this point, posts screenshots that include ones that are (many) months old and might not always show the 100% finished product, runs the risk of 'making false promises'. So to speak.
Hence the disclaimer.
i know but if they make the ship to sse standards why not put it in?
No use in further speculating, gents.
We'll have to wait and see. But nothing as drastic as a whole missing environment, I'm quite sure... But those that read well, and between the lines well, have already deducted that some things are most likely not making it in the initial release but will follow later, due to what has been said in other topics and/or has been mentioned by Vstep. Other features might have been adapted further to enhance game performance, etc. In-developement images are always of an unfinished product. And sometimes people forget that. :)
Yet if such content can be seen again on screenshots that were posted on a gaming site as if they were brand new,even though they include much older ones.. then people might get the wrong idea about what the actual state of the game is at this point.
No more details though, I'm sorry. Just a little while longer and then you can all see it first hand. :thumbs:
...But nothing as drastic as a whole missing environment,
As someone who sails Do-Ca regularly on either seachance (or LDl Do-Bo ) I can say that Dover looks pretty damned realistic to me, as does Calais.Isn't that the fact in all versions of the Ship Sim Series?
Ignoring of course the PoR and what look like american coastguard ships-
Yes, TFM. It's a kind of eggy dinner that often has ham or mushrooms in it.
Oh, I see... ::)Yum Yum? ::)
Yum Yum? ::)
You are abusing your body! :evil::P
My guess is that Titanic won't be in the game...It has been stated clearly straight from the horse's mouth several times that she will be returning. The most recent instance that I can recall was, if memory serves, E3, when Frank Dolmans said it in an interview.
at least we can still use its mooring place
It is the hemmaThis was my first post :2thumbs: not a speling mistake