Country : Norway
City : Kristiansand
Age: 53
Sex: M
Top 3 Other Games You Current Play:
3.Transport Tycoon ( Locomotion)
4.Ship Sim 06 +Ship Sim Add-On and shipsim 08
Other Simulators You Enjoy (If not in the 3 above):1. Hospital tycoon
2. Trainz
3.Silent Hunter III
Closest major port: Kristiansand Norway
Desired port locations (limit to 3 choices):
1. Vancouver, BC, Canada (with ferries to Vancouver Island
2. Oslo norway
3. Kristiansand Norway
Desired vessels/vessel types to be seen in upcoming Ship Simulator versions (limit to 3 choices):1. BULK CARRIER
2. PASSENGER SHIP/crues liner
Where did you purchase your copy of Ship Simulator (Name of Business - City, State/Province - Country):online webshop in Norway box version through
On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate Ship Simulator currently:5
Which is more appealing to you in Ship Simulator, the technical simulator aspects (such as docking, tugging, crane operations, etc.) or the fast, speedy arcade style of playing (such as races, ramping, and such):docking and tugging along with ferry operations sailing bye timetabel
Any additional comments or suggestions welcome here:I think the game is coming along well, there are a few things I'd like to see
enhanced bridge equipment
I'd most like to see additional bridge equipment, perhaps era specific, it would also be great if you had the option to switch off the gps style cursor/nav fix and added a bearing readout to the binocs so that you could navigate by triangulation, dead reckoning etc.
night lighting on chart/bridge
night lighting on the bridge and a night pallette for the chart should be added as it's a bit jarring to switch from an outside view to a brightly lit bridge or chart.
timetabled missions
Also I'd like to see timetabled missions for ferries, not turning the game into a race game but
using a sensible real world time window eg time +/- 5 mins etc.
more detailed docking
It would also be great if docking ops could be further enhanced i.e. the ship must be parallel to the quay +/-5 degrees at a certain distance etc, also it would be great if the winches on the ships could be used to pull/slacken lines etc.
brighter buoys and lighthouses
It would be great if these could be seen at a greater distance and flashed as in the real world. I would see in the game, anchor handling and more intelligent sailling of indinintually moved vessels (avoiding collisions with the big ships like Titanic and container ship as the steering procedure of these ships is slow).
I also prefer to sail free between ports (maybe it's necessery a multiple speed running of the game - x2,x3,x4... - saving time due to long distances between ports).
more detailed docking
Please don't abandon this game VSTEP continue to develop this game PLEASE!!!