City & State/Province: Noord-Brabant, but very close to Zeeland and Belgium
Top 3 Other Games You Current Play: Some old version of EA's Fifa and Ports Of Call
Other Simulators You Enjoy (If not in the 3 above): don't do much other games
Closest major port:Antwerp, Belgium (only 20 minutes away
Desired port locations (limit to 3 choices):
1. Antwerp, Belgium (including the river Scheldt cause that's the hard part for manouvring
2. Los Angeles + Long Beach, CA, US
3. Singapore, Singapore (including surrounding waters)
Desired vessels/vessel types to be seen in upcoming Ship Simulator versions (limit to 3 choices):
1. big containerships (6000+ TUE)
2. big geared general cargo vessel including vessel crane operation
3. big ro-ro car transporters, for example NYK.
Where did you purchase your copy of Ship Simulator (Name of Business - City, State/Province - Country): Got it for my birthday, it was purchased in some ship in the netherlands, don't know where.
On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate Ship Simulator currently:3
Which is more appealing to you in Ship Simulator, the technical simulator aspects (such as docking, tugging, crane operations, etc.) or the fast, speedy arcade style of playing (such as races, ramping, and such): technical sim.