Country: The Netherlands
City & State/Province: Zuid-holland
Age: 19
Sex: male
Top 3 Other Games You Current Play:
1. 18 wheels of steel: pedal to the metal
2. Star Wars Battlefront 2
3. shio simulator 2006
Other Simulators You Enjoy (If not in the 3 above):
1. flight simulator 2004( ship shim 2006, 18WOS: PTTM and this are the only one)
Closest major port: Port of Rotterdam
Desired port locations (limit to 3 choices):
1. Ijmuiden
2. Harlingen
3. Antwerpen
Desired vessels/vessel types to be seen in upcoming Ship Simulator versions (limit to 3 choices):
1. i only know the dutsch name: Draagvleugelboot
2. large tankers
3. a big high speed vessel
Where did you purchase your copy of Ship Simulator (Name of Business - City, State/Province - Country):, dthe internet, The Netherlands
On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate Ship Simulator currently: 3,5 (for the 2006 version) i haven't got the 2008 version but i will download the demo
Which is more appealing to you in Ship Simulator, the technical simulator aspects (such as docking, tugging, crane operations, etc.) or the fast, speedy arcade style of playing (such as races, ramping, and such): the fast speedy arcade, i also like to explore the ports
Any additional comments or suggestions welcome here: keep go like this!
but i suggest a troubleshooting book with the game. so people can try to solve their problems at home before they ''bomb'' the staff with problems