you tell me that its better that they put the effort for correct it in ss09.... wow. who can confirm that its really corrected? and what when not? i can also just write here and hear from you that there are more important things....
Well, here are some more facts:
- I have helped VSTEP improving the dynamics of PoR so I have actually worked with the editor. I believe it took med 3-4 weeks of work, to get is as real as it gets, but it still isn't perfect. Those improvements were ready mid April but haven't been released yet. I can't tell you why the update wasn't included in the 1.4.1.
- VSTEP wants to improve the dynamics engine for SS09. I can't say how comprehensive those improvements will be, but I imagine that most model setups have to be redone. That is why I believe that it would be better to invest that time in the SS09 models rather than adjusting details for SS08.
- A release of the editor has been considered and I don't know why it hasn't been released, but I can imagine that it will mess up highscores (who cares anyway? - it's a simulator not a race game) and MP wouldn't be the same if you have huge container vessels acting like small speed yachts...
I think that we all agree on that we want to see a more polished release next time. More research, more testing, less bugs and of cause a reliable dynamics engine that considers wind, current, hull resistance so that the dynamics editor will only edit the simplest parameters... but this isn't the case yet. Frustrating? Yes. A joke? No.
EDIT: The updated version of PoR came with v1.4.2