Ah you may be correct. But of course, I was measuring years in time elapsed since the crumbling of Microsoft after their "Year of the Vista Pig" and "Year of Office 2007 Dog".... 
Hi Terry,
I wholeheartedly agree, two of my colleagues have laptops with 'Vista' and they have to go through hoops to get it to do what they want, ('Vista' seems to treat its users like idiots, (nanny state thinking, a bit like our government

), sorry, didn't mean to get political

Office 2007, (never mind where do I begin, where do I stop!), one simple example.
I want to insert a column in an Excel spreadsheet so I go to the 'insert' option, I can insert photos, graphs and all sorts of things, (probably even a digit!), but not a column!
it would really be interesting who of the developers and why had the great idea challenging fastest times at a game dealing with also big civilian ships like e.g a panamax container... 
cheating possibilities inclusive... take out or highly rework the ranking system and give us the object editor!
I agree with you that the 'high score' system isn't ideal and could benefit from a rework and reset, including obeyance of 'speed limits', 'rules of the road' and 'fuel used' but the ranking system is pretty good I thought. You can see at a glance how you are doing.
Regards, Dave