Uh huh, i think it's real, well it was in the movie right?I mean i have heard 3 different whistles from Titanic with this one now.
SS08 horn
Movie Horn
And the one from Mary janes website/Youtube, so which is real one here?
Gee i was confused about the wheel house roof, because in half of the pictures involving the Titanic's wheel house roof, they are have a wooden roof, and in the other half the have a white roof.In the movie to, in half of the movie(begging) you can see the wheel house roof having wooden planks, and the other half of the movie it's white.Man, the world is confusing.....

A little something to remember if you're confused:
When in doubt, NEVER GO TO THE MOVIE!
That movie screws everything up!
I have a book on how to make a copy of the most accurate Titanic model in the world (but I'm no good at model making. It works mainly with wood, if anyone's interested!), and I could prove the movie wrong on soooooooooo many things with this baby! Anyway, the wheel house roof is white.
As for the horn, that was used in ss06 AND youtube, causing me to believe that was it.