Inspection of the Royal Mail Steamer Titanic has been completed, here are the results:
Missing features/errors/updatesThe flag at the back is upside down
The wooden rails need to be like a cherry brown(darkened)
Lights(Need lot of lights)
Extra white steam coming from that long pipe next to the chimneys(each one)
White steam blowing out of the whistle while it is being blown
Again blue area at the bow, where 3rd anchor hole is located needs to be black and not have any blue around that hole what so ever
"Titanic Liverpool", is missing from the back
Smoke needs more particles
The roof of the bridge house needs to be (wooden floor).
I just had to do this, because i want to help VSTEP make this a better ship

, im not asking to have any fancy stuff, just her ordinary things which are missing at the moment
