I haven't been here only one day, and a lot of comments.
Let's me get it straight. VSN is not related to Ship Simulator, or to Vstep. It's a private project.
The screenshot of the website- in the news section, it's just saying that when the new patch of SS will be released (of course with the mulitplayer), then VSN will be open for registration and joining. And about the 'Ship Simulator' at the top, it's just a link to Ships Simulator's official website, because it's a project that based on this simulator.
About the ranking system. It's not that you will be able to use only one ship of course. When you join, you are a simple sailor, that can use the standards boats. You don't need to pass an exam, or something like that. Because even if there will be an exam for a tanker (for example), it won't help you so much in the simulator.
But you need to pass exams on the higher ranks like SAR for example. The exam is practical, so the member should read all the related material before. This material will be on the 'training' page at our website, along with other information and documents. And after you pass the exams, you can use the vessels of this rank. For example simple sailors can't use the Tugboat, only Tug boaters that passed the exam.
A lot of people didn't understand yet what is really VSN. It's not a simple clan that people can sail. It's a "clan" that people sailing with port controllers, tug boats, and so long...That's not that someone can get into a tugboat and just tug people. He will have to pass an exam, and read related documents about it.
It's a nice idea to put in this project all the port jobs, like what you have said. But it won't be practical. We will use the basic and important jobs like Port Controllers, SAR, Tugboats, Pilots, and so long.
Of course it won't be 100% like in reality, because it's a simulator, and it just a project for now. More jobs, and more ideas, and more professionally, required more recourses, that the most important of them is staff members.
If we will have 20 staff members that have a lot of knowledge, of course we can make some of the ideas to reality. But for now, we use what we have.
And for all the people that complain about the website, or other things that are related to VSN-
Remember that know we are just working, and everything that is displayed in our website, forum, and so long, and some links that doesn't work, it's not important now.
Everything will be ready after the new patch will be released. After that we will know what we are dealing with, and make some adjustments if needed to.
O.K.I like private idea's.I realy dont have a problem with that.
But what does this new idea do,you sign in and than what happens?Huh
First of all, you not signing in like in a forum, you send an application throw the website. After that, you will get by email all your account information, and then you can login into our network, and voice server, and start sailing, and gaining hours. Just like in a clan. But this is not an ordinary clan, here you have pilots, tug boaters, port controllers, and if you get into trouble, you have SAR. And here when you have problem while sailing you not just saying "Dude can you help you?" you using "MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, this is Vina Sierra November 0 0 1, request...".
There is something that I didn't understand. You are talking about missions, in the multiplayer, it won't be like a big free roaming? or people can open multiplayer missions?