Vladimir the Immigrant arrives at Dover Docks, wanting to work in the UK, suddenly out of nowhere a fairy appears
"Distant traveller, I shall grant you three wishes, what is your first wish?"
Vladimir doesn't hesitate and says "I'm Starving, please, food!"
POW, a huge banquet appears before his eyes
"Your second wish?"
Vladimir gives it some thought "Hmm, I would like a big house to live in"
POW, a massive mansion with a long driveway, gardens and lamborghini appear
"And you final wish?"
Vladimir gives it some more thought before his face lightens up with glee
"I Want to be a proper British citizen!" Vladimir cries with glee
POW...The Banquet and Mansion dissapear
"WHAT?!" Vladimir demands
"You wanted to be British? You get sod all, good day"