How about this?
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hahahaha! Best one yet!!!

Here's another one from me:
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were captured by cannibals and told that If they could not escape, each of them would be skinned and eaten and their skin turned into a canoe.
Each was allowed one weapon to help him escape. The Englishman chose a gun but he soon ran out of bullets and was captured. He was skinned, eaten and his skin turned into a canoe.
The Scotsman chose a knife but he was soon overpowered by The cannibals. He was skinned, eaten and his skin turned into a canoe.
The Irishman asked for a fork.
'A fork?' they said. 'You won't get very far with that!' The Irishman grabbed The fork, pricked himself all over with it and said, 'now try turning my skin into a canoe!'