Warning to users who try this: tempering with the game is not permitted and therefor at your own risk. Any support rights you had will be lost when tempering with the game.
Well... here it is then... I hope you can survive.
I was playing with the weather and I decided to put some random numbers at 5:40 AM, the period where I'm more of a "thinker" haha...
So, here it is just how powerful this thing is, and, an example on what you people can do for FUN
Oh, those wakes are just perfect, they dont float around like a certain sim I know, congratulations to the DEVS!
Oh remember, this is just random numbers I created to test if this works, so, here is the crude test for your enjoyment... hehe
Copy and paste this in ur weatherpresets.xml located in ur ss08 main folder, make the usual backup and just put before "</Weatherpresets>" and in <Preset id="7"> change the 7 to the next number available... (i dont know if it will work without any order, but if it doesnt, just do that
PS: I hope this not a repeated topic
<Preset id="7">
<ID Type="Val"> 6 </ID>
<Title Type="Txt"> Teste2 </Title>
<Time Type="Val"> 0.671642 </Time>
<Date Type="Val"> 0.432836 </Date>
<Month Type="Val"> 0.545455 </Month>
<Year Type="Val"> 0.253165 </Year>
<WindForce Type="Val"> 0.567164 </WindForce>
<WindDirection Type="Val"> 0.716418 </WindDirection>
<Rain Type="Val"> 0.686567 </Rain>
<Thunder Type="Val"> 0.865672 </Thunder>
<Fog Type="Val"> 0 </Fog>
<Stars Type="Val"> 0 </Stars>
<Clouds1 Type="Val"> 0.492537 </Clouds1>
<Clouds2 Type="Val"> 0 </Clouds2>
<Clouds3 Type="Val"> 0.525373 </Clouds3>
<Clouds4 Type="Val"> 0 </Clouds4>
<Clouds5 Type="Val"> 0.458209 </Clouds5>
<Clouds6 Type="Val"> 1 </Clouds6>
<Wave_Frequency1 Type="Val"> 20.608 </Wave_Frequency1>
<Wave_Amplitude1 Type="Val"> 15.555 </Wave_Amplitude1>
<Wave_Direction1 Type="Val"> 0 </Wave_Direction1>
<Wave_Frequency2 Type="Val"> 215.067 </Wave_Frequency2>
<Wave_Amplitude2 Type="Val"> 6.666 </Wave_Amplitude2>
<Wave_Direction2 Type="Val"> 72 </Wave_Direction2>
<Wave_SpeedFactor1 Type="Val"> 72 </Wave_SpeedFactor1>
<Wave_SpeedFactor2 Type="Val"> 0 </Wave_SpeedFactor2>