Terry, please don't try to understand americanisms mate. Suck up in the normal world means to enjoy a drink through a straw, but we are stuck with those people who use the English language as a means to look `cool`

They don't seem to have the ability to put into words what they really mean

I just read that peice from SJ Stein and i must fully agree with what he is saying because i too experienced the same level of stupidity not only in the Marseilles session and last night in the Hamburg session too, but kids will be kids and untill we get a system like is used in `gamespy` where individuals can make their own sessions and police them then the kids will do their `thing` sorry to say.
I have experienced lately that there seems to be some self appointed HM's running amok lately too. The Marsielles `HM` behaving like a spoilt brat by closing down parts of the port and when the ships didn't let him have his power craze he kicked them. Then in the Hamburg session another `HM? shipwreck` was in the same frame of mind threatening to report a capt for useing caps lock, even though it was explained over and over again that the reason for caps lock at that time was because of eye sight problems, and if his Hm duties where carried out in real life he would have received a dishonerable discharge

. can anyone explain to me how it is possible for these guys to be able to take on this role of power and disrupt the flow of common decency amongst the other more responsible ship commanders?