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Author Topic: banned for a week  (Read 17207 times)


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #75 on: February 29, 2008, 11:14:08 »

I have to, my friend. The Missus is from New Joisey.

Thanks, Marty.

Now I understand. I'm more familiar with "to suck up" meaning to be extra friendly in order to gain an advantage.
Oh Terry my friend, i wasn't picking on the American people in general mate though it may have sounded the opposite, I was refering to the way of life that has stamped itself on the world ` East West` divide...We here in Britain have had the North South divide since the Romans left us all in it ;D and now we are plagued with the European `union` ???? :o....But we on ship sim have a majority union of good common sense and to me it is a much needed therapy to out do any know medical treatment ;D
You Terry have made me now realise that I have been `sucking up`to gain advantage all my married life mate :-[ ::) and by your post it sounds like you are the master :) any futher tips will be very much appreciated by all your ship mates. Marty has been on the wrong tack all these years, I wish him well on his recovery from sore lips :).. good sailing guys.. regards to all :)


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #76 on: February 29, 2008, 18:42:14 »

Unfortunately there's always a bad apple, It can be very destressing when trying to keep ones damage % down then some knumbnut uses one has target practice, i can sink myself thank you very much ;D LOL but i'm getting better lol, my son also sails now and sometimes after a serious hour or so of sailing we sometimes let our hair down and have fun chasing n crashing into each other.. but unlike some we do this in our own space way away from other players, the odd few on here seem to lack respect for others and spoil it for the majority and fortunately they are the minority, hopefully these people responsible will read this forum and change their ways.

Shame to him who thinks evil of this.   HONI SOIL QUI MAL Y PENSE   or something like that ;D
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 18:50:39 by SKIP14 »


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #77 on: February 29, 2008, 18:50:50 »

dout it dave....but its a nice thought  ;D
That Damn Scotsman


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #78 on: February 29, 2008, 18:53:00 »

No!!This is the game made for the first idea,to have fun!!
If you want to play in the game ,with your son,please do!!
However you said,we do it,far away from the rest.Well no one will complaned.
At that time you dont mess up the game from some one else.
NO problem at all,not one member will report you.
There are others!!


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #79 on: March 01, 2008, 05:23:22 »

I have only been in multiplayer a few times and gave up because of a lack of traffic.   If anyone wants to take risks etc and don't have a son to play with, they can always ask if anyone on the server fancies a bit of "chase me round the harbour" but, as SKIP14 says, do it away from players who want to be left in peace.
The right to speak does not include the right to be taken seriously.

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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #80 on: March 01, 2008, 10:53:01 »

As I've said elsewhere in this forum, once the new server software is released and users can host their own MP servers, I intend to provide one environment for people who want to play hunt and chase games.

Yesterday I completed building the server hardware (Quad 2.66GHz processors, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 8 Meg (no contention) DSL link). Operating System is now installed, so just waiting for final version of server software from Vstep.

Hope you'll use this once it's ready. No information yet about release date as the software is still being tested.


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #81 on: March 01, 2008, 11:26:25 »

Good news that Terry.We have all been getting very frustrated this last two days when in `any` session. Ships / Boats are flying around in the air and yes even submerged and then re appearing miles away. total chaos.I for one am looking forward to some kind of stability asap.
take care all. regards...
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 14:25:27 by captain1 »

Captain Picard

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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #82 on: March 18, 2008, 10:50:02 »

Well I cannot say anything about incidents that I have not witnessed.

But if you think you are being treated unfairly, then you can always PM me, or any other moderator, with your side of the story.  In such cases, it helps if you make a screenshot for example. When something happens on the server, snap a few pictures, because a picture often tells a lot more than just someone saying "so and so, did this and that.."   :)

We don't openly discuss incidents and players on the forum, but if you think you have a valid case and you can prove something, I will be happy to try and help.


Hi I wonder if you can help me - I have seen your posts on banning. I have been banned for a week because someone has sent false screenshots of me crashing into ships. They logged in as a name similar to me and went crashing ships and then sent in the screenshots - this is totally unfair but surely the records on the servers will show it wasnt actually me? I know that a group of dutch decided they didnt like me but I didnt do anything wrong. I only go on to sail peacefully with my brother and I annoyed this group because I sank by accident and didnt leave imediately. I am extremely annoyed that ppl feel it necessary to go to the extents of getting someone banned by making false screenshots. Also what is stopping these people doing this again to me and getting me banned permanently. This is really awful behaviour what can I do to stop this happening to me. I feel as I was the only english person that offended this group of dutch I am being victimised. Hope you can help me - even if I stay off for 7 days I am worried the same thing will happen again to me.


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #83 on: March 18, 2008, 12:36:19 »

Captain Picard, You received the ban today. After that you've send several pm's. Please have a bit of patience and stop using the forum for the discussion of individual bans.


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #84 on: March 18, 2008, 15:43:25 »

Best not to cast your problems as one nationality against another. Many on this forum will find that offensive, and not just those from the nations involved. There is enough of that silliness outside. We like to think that here, at least, we can work in harmony and develop friendships that transcend the international dustups.


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #85 on: March 18, 2008, 17:37:06 »

There are a few mindless peeps out there spoiling the game for others, just been in marsaille must be kids  for the way they constantly smashed into my vermas after spending alot of time docking it ....name n shame i say lol ..but i did the right thing and sent a pm to whom it matters lol.


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #86 on: March 18, 2008, 18:13:42 »

I have to say that I have visited the Dutch (and other) MP environments quite a lot. I have never received anything except pleasant, friendly welcomes.

They laugh at my attempts at Dutch or German or French and I am impressed with their splendid use of the English Language. Never witnessed anything unfriendly.  :)


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Link banning to rank system
« Reply #87 on: March 19, 2008, 12:10:30 »

Perhaps the ban system should be linked to the rank system whereby each time anyone rams a ship they are reduced in rank by one step, if they reach the lowest level of rank and have a collison, the other players can vote on whether they believe the incident was accidental or on purpose, if accidental their rank is simply reduced to 0, if on purpose their rank is reduced to 0 and they are banned for a week. 

 It would also be good if the ships could be toughened up a little as they do seem a litttle fragile when pushed with tugs.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 12:12:21 by sonarman »


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #88 on: March 19, 2008, 18:40:10 »

There are a few effects of MP which can cause ships to seem to ram each other, quite unintentionally, and sometimes without the rammer even being aware of it.

When there is a lag (e.g. with a slow connection etc), it is possible for a player to see other ships in the locations they occupied a short time ago. The player then goes through what he/she believes is empty space, but to the other player, they have just been rammed.

There are also problems with over-elastic tow ropes which cause ships to hurtle into each other.

So not all rammings are intended. I am sure that some innocent people get blamed sometimes.

It will be very difficult to litigate for that.

white runner

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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #89 on: March 19, 2008, 23:56:51 »

terrys RIGHT! these bans ARN'T FAIR!!!! >:(


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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #90 on: March 20, 2008, 00:01:50 »

Terry wasn't talking about any specific ban.

Which bans do you mean, white runner?

Cause if people are innocent and make a good case, they won't be banned.
Mistakes are made, the staff is only human too, but if people get kicked without reason, then they should also report that to us. That way we know what might be going on.

But most of the bans are deserved. 99% at least. And the rest will be put right. Simple as that.



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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #91 on: March 20, 2008, 00:08:40 »

Yes, what I am saying is that before anyone goes shouting "Rammer", just try talking to the other person. Sometimes it will show that they didn't deliberately ram.

But, there are a lot of hooligans out there. In those cases, if I had the power, I would ban them permanently.

white runner

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Re: banned for a week
« Reply #92 on: March 22, 2008, 19:24:34 »

uhhhhhh. no. bans as in over reactive to minor things (donoth07)
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