This discussion is getting boring. Just more of the same.
Doesn't anybody read? Ã have no interests in VStep what so ever, but i do like to come up for them.
Like stated by others before, VStep is a young company, and ShipSim is a very young game/simulator.
Offcourse i understand, that with the technology of today, an SDK should be fairly simple to make by the "specialists". However, if they do not have the knowledge/experience to make a "simple" version of there internal program, then what can we do/say? It's just a matter of time.
I'm sure, when the time comes, VStep will come up with an SDK. Maybe not now, but for a future ShipSim.
We can't win them all, people. If we don't give VStep the time to think abaut it and work on it, then what are we? Just a bunch of unpatient gamers. Instead of a bunch of sim-lovers.
Now don't get me wrong, i'm dissapointed to, that the SDK isn't comming. And i do think, the statement of giving out an SDK was premature from VStep. But change of plans can do strange things. Only comment i have on VStep now is, they could bring the news much earlyer, that there isn't going to be an SDK for SS08.
And i'm comming back to my first post in this thread. I do like the offer of VStep, to help finnish the projects from 3rd party desinger, to make them work in SS08. They even wan't to pay for it! Well then, is it to much to ask, that we would pay for the "add-ons"?
Offcourse, the price needs to be reasonable! If SS08 costs twice as much at the end of the year, just because of the add-ons, then the fun in it will rapidly go down.
Pjotr: Can you agree with us, that the next SS really needs an SDK? Then please work on that, because by the looks of it
it is REALLY a highly wanted feature!
mporter: Common, mate, you really need to cool down here. We are all just humans, not machines or wizards. Offcourse i get your point of view, but your getting carryied away with it. I mean, this isn't something personal, right?
And if your really tired of SS, then just step away from it and don't look back.
Have some patients.