I see we have passed the 20.000 views, cause for a small celebration..Congratulations everyone, and cheers !..
The Red Eagle and Fairmount Sherpa are in Dry Dock. Where are they?
Yes, of the 8 cranes, it is the base of one of the aft 6, but I am looking for a more specific answer.The deck and port/starboard side will do.
Your asking the wrong guy about Titanic!
Looks like the foward of the aft well deck on port side. This makes it on C deck.
What do you mean by that? (Sorry, just confused)
I don't know a lot of detailed stuff about Titanic, just basic things like date, speed etc.
Bergen NorthSea
Looks like Hamburg.
Im guessing Hafenrundfahrt/Steinwerder area.