I think you have to remember that this is not a "shoot 'em up" game, so it has a lot less sales than the big games against which it is being compared. It isn't intended to be that sort of game.
Therefore, we pay a higher cost.
The game may have less features than the arcade games
Initially, the game may have more bugs that require ironing out
The game may never do some of the whizzy twirly things that others do
Each of us has a much louder voice than if we were dealing with Microsoft or EA Games, etc. (you have virtually or absolutely no voice with them).
You can directly influence how the game evolves.
This is a "community"
We can create our own missions
Maybe someday we can create our own ships
Maybe someday we can create our own environments
So, on balance, I think that the price is good and provided you stick with this for the medium term, it will get better and better and do the things that YOU want, if you want them enough.