I'm new to this forum, SS08, and piloting ships. My only experiences have been at the helm of a restored 2 masted sailing vessel (type, I don't remember - early 1900s), numerous sporting boats, and (my favorite) hands on the tiller of the Delta Queen for about 1/4 mile upstream (it was 1968, they responsible party is surely retired now).
Anyway, I have to admit it was the HMS Titanic that drew me to purhase this sim and take her for a test drive....uhm, sea trial. After one day of running around in free roam and completing the first few missions, I'm getting the hang of the key commands and interface. (..<-slow learner) My completments on a wonderful sim and look forward to all updates/patches!
Although I'm new to this platform, I'm a "veteran" M$ Flight Sim (2004) fan. I've noticed that issues with that platform and it's "popularity" among "gamer$" are influencing the development of SS08 too. It's economics 1.01. With FS, it was the Cessna from the original platform (pre-M$) that was and is the only reasonably accurate flight model that came with FS$ since Micro$oft bought the company. I'd hate to see the same happen here. Many forums and third-party designers (real engineers and real pilots) have since modified flight dymanics and built aircraft and dynamics from scratch that are "as real as it gets". I, for one, would be REALLY happy to see a 2 or 3 level "Reality" slider, or equivilant added to this sim for those of us (..and there seem to be quite a few here) that would appreciate "real world" time, weather, and functionality of the vessels.
For example, I love flying a B-314 "Clipper" to Hawaii, or the Graf Zepplin from Germany to Lakehurst, NJ. I would be overjoyed to pilot the Titanic from Southampton to New York in real-time (granted, it's a fantasy, but isnt' that why we're here?) I haven't gotten to any threads that address the issue, or missed them, but I hope this sim will, in future, seamlessly integrate the transitions from harbour to ocean to harbour. (Any ideas as to when?

As to realistic operation of Titanic, I understand that things are the way they are right now. For those "purist" wannabees like me, if the rudder is more effective that it should be, what should the maximum deflection I should use to simulate the old Spambot' turn rate? ...maybe 35? As for slow manipulation of the wheel, whether by sail, steam, or gasoline, that was my FIRST lesson in all 3....but how fast is "too" fast? (Well, for HMS Titanic, I guess we'll never have a firm answer, but I'm open to suggestions) As for the telegraph, is there a time I should let lapse before sending down a change or advance in engine speed?
Oh, one suggestion I'd like to make as to recorded times... I'd think that would only be a factor for rescue missions, wether a drowning man, or a race with an oncoming storm. In other situations, I'd like to see accuracy in navigation and staying "within the speed limit" as the "Standard" for an excellent performance by a pilot/captain. (If this point should be posted elsewhere, please let me know where.)