Hello Dave,

I agree with you, the question has surely been debated. And I completely disagree with the conclusions, if these conclusions apparently led to a poor simulation of the main characteristics of the ships!
I have not

a great flight experience, and it was on obsolete planes, of course

outdated. But ShipSim is not yet at the level of FS, at least for the kind of aircraft and ships that I know of. At least, these flight models can exist, probably do exist, and follow the laws of aerodynamics

even if trimming the controls is an uneasy task!
FS allows you

to degrade the level of realism, starting from a correct simulation: Arcade games

dont, and the difference between both kinds of games lies precisely there.
And I am sure that it is possible to do the same for ShipSim, if the modelisation

was based on correct laws.
That is why I very much

disagree with the degradation made of the dynamics of the ships, if done intentionally. Did any true (and impatient) Titanic fan ask for more responsiveness, ie less realism? Also, a quick realistic sinking probably?

From what I guess,

you dont necessarily support the point of view you seem to defend. It is indeed mostly supported by people unaware and un-interested by ships or simulation per se, and it could kill the game in the end, joining a great family of unrealistic simulations (ski, jetski, motorcycle, fishing ...).
From my readings of the forum, I never met a topic asking for less realism, or am I wrong? Perhaps are only "hard core simmers" on the forum, and gamers stay away of it?
Well, no need to tell you

I am in favor of a true simulation (with sailors, passengers, cargo,... if my pc can handle it).