I've seen that you are only a little over 6 months registered here on this forum.I explain first,in the first edition of the game(2006) we did not have a sinking possibility.Most of the members wanted in the new version(2008),if that could be arranged.
2008 came out,and yes it was in the game on most of the vessels.
However, by having that also alot of trouble started,because me and several other shipsim players were not longer in the possibility to play the game as it was ment.Some of the members found it very enjoying to start hitting us(just for fun)while we were in the middle of some manouvre for docking,or they came to us with the resquevessel(Arie visser) and asked that they could tow me while i was steering the vlcc vessel.When i told him not,he came along side and rammed in to me.Result i sunk,and he left the server.
For us there was not much fun anymore.
If it was on me,it would be just damage to the vessel,and no longer possibility to sink.
I hope you understand this vision.