Lets just compare the tactics that the whalers and crew of Sea Shepherd use against each other.
Sea Shepherd throws stink bombs, the whalers throw nuts, bolts and flash grenades.
Sea Shepherd ram a ship bigger and stronger to theirs, the whalers ram a catamaran smaller to theirs and made of carbon fibre.
Sea Shepherd uses a laser light against a ship, the whalers use an LRAD against a helicopter, twice.
Sea Shepherd asks for permission to enter French territory, the whalers don't.
Sea Shepherd aims stink bombs for parts of the ship unoccupied, the whalers aim high powered hoses at Sea Shepherd crew members trying to wash them off board.
Sea Shepherd offers help to whalers when looking for a man overboard, the whalers don't offer help to mayday calls.
Now see that as bias as you want, but all of that is true fact. Now who was the most aggressive one again?