this afternoon we were required do go to the World Harbor days at Rotterdam (a better school task is not here), and because I am doing the course steersman dredging contruction we could'nt skip the C.S.D. Artemis, offcourse we did go on a lot off other ships
we began with the ZR.MS Friesland




a RHIB from the ZR.MS Friesland
ZR.MS Dolfijn


SD Rebel
the C.S.D. Artemis

the cutter


The anchors is not one of the smallest (almost 2 floors high)


the link from one of the anchors

the spare cutter (this one weights 32Tonnes (this is with the tooths) and 1 tooth weights 34KG






the newest helicopter from the Dutch navy the NH-90

a very nice yacht

a 'little' bucket from the EMO terminal (the terminal who inload the biggest ore carriers)