Hi there Captain Darling

Your post make sense, i haven´t thought in those ways, i mean that the Pro version is existing 
But thanks a lot!
Pro is still in development.. when I last saw anyway...
The release date on the Pro website changes every month..
Also take a look on the pro website to see what's in it, but take note that not all the things in pro will be in SS Extremes.
Until new information is released by VSTEP, all the things we know is from the teaser and the images released. Anything else is just speculation and hopes and suggestions.
Some people who post things like "I
think this is going to be in SS Extremes" are making speculation - which some people think is correct when it may not be.
What I'm trying to say is, only beleive the news announcements by VSTEP, not what people think... I've noticed some people making that mistake.