There are big waves but the dosen't move it looks ...

But 1000 meters

looks great

I would like the bigger waves in extremes but the good waves but what can we do it's not much important...
If you want to destroy ship try with there are some ways:
1: Anchor: ( My Example )
I took P&O and i start to cruise, vhen i was stil under 2 kn I put the anchor down and i put the maximum gas and vhen he start to get fast it upturn down and it was realy cool... i could walk on it and i went under the watter it was cool... it looks realy funny try it

2: Fast stranding: ( My Example )
I use Titanic it's the best cose he dosen't have the good bow!
I went to Islands Phi Phi and i took the maximum power of Titanic i went to the small Island and i crash to it with the full power but it was about 2 meters and i get strand but as I was in full speed i strand to small Island, crash ower it and i get upturn with Titanic it was so cool and i that example i could walk on the titanic and dive under watter so it was realy cool like on the real Titanic just i went upturn on the Island no on the Iceberg

3: Normal sinking with New Horizonts.
If you have the packs or New Horizonts if ship is realy destroyed it's start sink so took the ship ( i tryed with the Ocean Star ) and detory the ship by crashing and then he'l slowly start to sink... also cool...
Try some of this examples maybe you'l sucssed!
Good luck...

Hope to bigger waves in SS2010!
Good bye!