last week vstep said that they're working on a secret, an that next week (now this week) they would have a meeting on it.
Well that didnt help much and your "secret" post have something to do with the CCC Scenery Winners don't they.
Wyqvist and I agree on something. That is scary.
Ever since Extremes was released, there have been many posts asking that question—and there have been many posts explaining why there is very little chance that Titanic will ever be in Extremes.
Perhaps, if the Ship Simulator game continues to be developed, a later version will be able to handle the added strain of an acceptable Titanic, but that is beyond the horizon of my crystal ball.
As I said in an earlier post, they already have an enhanced version of Jason’s model from ’08, but it has too high a poly count.I guess some news WAS given in the year's time I've been largely absent form this game.
it would be awsome to have a olympic class super pack with:
RMS OLYMPIC (Post war design)
RMS Titanic
HMSH Britannic
SS Nomadic
The other equally crazy but faster idea is to give the high-poly model its sea functions, and then practically toss it into the game, only making it playable on multiplayer servers that include Titanic, the way add-on vessels are done in MP. If players complain about their game running slowly when Titanic is about, reply with "You're the one who wanted her." (Even more effective as a response if Titanic is put on the site as DLC for a price)
If users really want an Extremes that has been purged of the bugs they have been complaining about, they had better start sitting upon those who keep insisting upon relatively useless additions that can only postpone that happy day.Ship Simulator 2008 never reached that "happy day", even after two years after Titanic was already included. The fact that, as you said, this game is pretty much only worked on on as a small side project at VSTEP, also suggests that SSE will remain forever imperfect regardless of whether or not work is done to implement Titanic.
...The fact that, as you said, this game is pretty much only worked on on as a small side project at VSTEP, also suggests that SSE will remain forever imperfect regardless of whether or not work is done to implement Titanic.
So was no work done on Extremes while the CCC team was implementing the winning ships?
I really fail to understand why people would want the titanic in SSE, especially considering theres now a scenery full to the brim with icebergs. Sure, it looked OK, but it didn't really add anything interesting to SS08 apart from the opertunity to sail from the UK to america, and we can't even do that anymore :doh:
wiqvist, I'd imagine Vstep do have a team of guys and Spambot who are dedicated to SSE, if they didn't the workflow would be absolutly abismal.
-fred, can you please check your PM box? I sent you a PM in reply to you chasing up where my support request has got to, thanks!
-fred, can you please check your PM box? I sent you a PM in reply to you chasing up where my support request has got to, thanks!
And that's not even going into a lot of the other factors that come into play when it comes down to Titanic's return or demise. Trust me, letting people know that it will run very poorly on their machines, is not really the biggest thing that's keeping it from being introduced into the game. :P
Surely someone isn't saying they can't use Titanic because it will be bad for the company... :doh:
Well the reason I bought the game because I was told Titanic will be in the game from Ship Sim officially, I search Game (in store) they said ``yeah titanic is in it but we don`t sell SSE go to
Err, no I don't think you interpreted that the right way to be honest.
But, it always might be bad for a company to persue things that would not be economically feasible or technologically achievable... who knows.. :P
But hey, as you say, the centennial will not pass unnoticed, hence the great offers on the website ( now. :thumbs:
Sorry but 1/4 of the money does NOT come from Titanic lovers. That's nonesense. :P
I don't understand that almost everybody wants Titanic in Ship Simulator Extremes.
Is the ship so important to everybody here?
If I got told Titanic was not SSE then I would never of bought the game in the first place thanks to Customer Service at Ship Sim telling is in July 2010, also I think there would be loads of people who would never of bought the game if they wanted Titanic and knew it was not in the game.
What are you on about? The game was announced and released WITHOUT Titanic and it was clear a long time before official release that it would not appear in it then, and you could have known about this... Customer Service told you it was in the retail version? I find that rather hard to believe, they know their own game..
My biggest gripe with the Titanic offers are that they only really have any benifit if you don't have any of the shipsimulator series... Which basically means the offers are useless to most of the people on this forum.
My biggest gripe with the Titanic offers is that they only really have any benifit if you don't have any of the shipsimulator series... Which basically means the offers are useless to most of the people on this forum.
Oh well, makes for a nice gift to a grieving titanic lover to get him through this oh so difficult time, perhaps.. :doh:
im still dreaming with the titanic superpack that will never be released into ship sim extremes :(
how will burying the movie help? :doh:
There. Problem solved. And we can make films about Herald of Free Enterprise, RMS (HMTS) Lancastria, and MV Estonia... or any other tragic event that we can turn into a money making exercise for hollywood.
20 years from now: NEW! from universal studios! Costa Concordia! :doh:
And Fred, your 12-wheel Ford sedan comparison doesn't really hold water, considering that Ford didn't give twelve wheels to every one of its sedans since they began producing them
On another note, I was similarly disappointed when I found out that there was nothing Ship Sim-related that I could do to mark the centennial of Titanic's voyage.
Then they are idiots there, because how can they even tell you something like that about a product they don't even sell? And if they did sell it but just ran out, then they still didn't know enough about the product to give you that adivice. And one glance at the Shipsim website, and perhaps the actual box, would have made it clear she was not in it. So that's hardly Vstep's fault, is it? Nor is is 'official'. ;)Saying that's bad...
i think a couple people will like this. its a parody Cameron is so intent on nothing but getting money, even at the expense of misinforming everyone who interviews him, I wouldn't be surprised if this was his original vision.
James Cameron is so intent on nothing but getting money, even at the expense of misinforming everyone who interviews him, I wouldn't be surprised if this was his original vision.
which it isnt ;) thats why its funnyI know. To be honest, I found it entertaining, too, even though I do hate James Cameron with every fiber of my being!
So.. not showing enough respect to a 100 year old disaster with 1500 deaths is unforgivable to some with a love of a certain greatest ship ever.
But, making fun of a disaster with a modern ship with 'only' 30-ish deaths,.. and that's okay?
Can we get one of the titanic buffs that show the aformentioned attitude here and there, to react to these posts, please?
And can we please get some respect?
Thank you.
My fault, Fred. I was using irony and sarcasm to make the same point as you- but it was lost on them. I know irony is hard to explain to children. And Americans... But American children? I should have known better.
Now why the disrespect to Americans?
Scotts right...No, that's true. I have actually met two who were not.
not all us Americans are stupid and borish. ::)
How true, many Europeans also lay claim to that title.. ;)Yes, that is most definately true. Europeans... A good reason for having the English Channel is to keep johnny foreigner away!
I don't really find American humoUr that funny (a little too "direct and obvious" for my taste) likewise many Americans struggle with English humoUr, which is centred around sarcasm and irony.Stuart, I would like you to meet a Mr. Tom ( Lehrer ( ;D
As has been mentioned frequently before, she is there, in all her glory, in SS 2008.This is no longer possible, as the fully updated SS08 doesn't work on my Windows 7 laptop ::)
Just install virtual sailor 7That's like an offense to VSTEP,it has lower graphics as you see in youtube.You can enter doors and do more things but has lower graphics if you compare it carefully.
it has better graphics and realistic titanic sinking with crack part,
but i have ship simulator and i will update mine tomorrow =)
I will buy virtual Sailor 7
Just install virtual sailor 7
it has better graphics and realistic titanic sinking with crack part,
but i have ship simulator and i will update mine tomorrow =)
I will buy virtual Sailor 7
spitman, are you saying that you know something that no one else does regarding the future of VS? Or are you merely throwing hull scrapings at the stevedores?
The same can be said of any software company, can it not? As for your suggestion that you are only "renting" it from them, I suggest you go back and read again. If someone here "loses" their copy and 2 years later asks for a d/l or key from vstep then they might well be told to barnacle off.
forbidden on MP? nah, she's so nice, may be just disabling the guns for it.Like I said, they could render her in a way to include the plugs/covers on her guns, at least for multiplayer. Specified missions could, if VSTEP goes that route, include waypoints that remove them. (Or use the "manlier" method of shooting THROUGH the covers, as they are apparently designed to be able to do in case of an emergency.)
and you're right, if they're willing to put her in a game where it will be sunk over and over, of course they will be willing to have her placed in SSE.
and is the Iowa really steam-powered?