i was so! We were born before internet. We're older than this very thing we're browsing.
If your profile is to be believed, you're a
LOT younger than the internet. My web site is older than you... I was emailing via Janet when your mum was a little girl.
When I started, there were no PCs, no calculators, watches had springs to power them and TV was a single channel, BBC on 405 lines VHF. There weren't even transistors when I was a youngster.
My first "computer" had a 4-bit processor with 128 bytes (yes - BYTES) of RAM. The first computer language I learned was Algol and I had to feed the program into a computer on a paper tape that I hand-punched the holes that were the programming. Because I could read and punch the tapes, I could save a week's waiting for the programming department. That made me very popular at college.
PS I posted some screen shots of Windows 7 a while ago. It's Vista with a new overcoat, so don't get excited. It's just as bad...
PPS Vista 32 and XP 32 can access 3.6GB of RAM directly and you can hook most of the rest, which allows some of the memory to be freed up, giving you the equivalent of about 3.8GB.