Even if it is it I would highly suggest against getting the German version. Not only will it change all of your menus and everything into German it may not even be compatible with your current English version
If you go to this link, http://www.shipsim.com/ShipSimForum/index.php/topic,6372.0.html , you will find that some of your suggestions may not be accurate, but, I agree that it probably, no matter
how desperate you are, is not a good idea to download schiff_simulator_2008_neue_horizonte if you don't understand German, however, a lot of members out there have more than one language, (I have tried very hard to learn German but failed miserably,
, at least I tried
), I think I may change the sig saying to, ("My grandmother says something, my ears hear something else."
The real meaning is deeper. It means that the young do not listen to the old.)