Guys, I just recently bought a new PC (thus I have ship sim!). Anyway, I don't know a lot about the hard-ware side of things etc, so I was wondering could you give me some advice. I'm looking for a card that will let me run ship sim on FULL graphic settings (everything up). Here's my PC stats first of all:
Dell Inspiron 530
Windows XP Pro
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33Ghz 2.33Gz
3.00 GB of RAM
...and here's the Graphics card I've been looking at:
Link to page (
Will this card run Shipsim 2008 on FULL settings? If possible guys, please keep your answers to a simple yes, or 'no' with a recommendation please (as I have NO idea about why it's good/no good!). For recommendations, I'm willing to spend up to £150. Reason being is that I don't play games on my PC, I play them on my Xbox360. I'm only doing this for ship sim, so I feel that makes sense.