Thanks for your well fundamented opinion. Making an SDK for a ship simulator with the ships dynamics as complicated as shipsim 2008 costs a lot, and I mean a lot of time of our programmers. VStep has decided to invest its valuable time in other projects, so we can make this game even better and an even better new game.
How much does it cost in US dollars?
How many developers do you need
How many hours does it takes to make it?
What sort programming code are we talking about... C++?
Or is the simple answer... "well, we are waiting for the Quest3D developers to add this into the game engine. Until then we just have to wait".
I'm not going to state anything here. I'm just asking critical questions just like anyone else. Sure it will be a long time until anyone see my ship models in this game because I personally like a SDK better than a "subscription service".
How many 3rd part add-on developers work for VSTEP at this moment? 1...2..5...10? Where are these commercial 3rd part developers?
I bet for myself that I got a huge problem with my patience. But I have a strange feeling that the SDK is just a big dream at the moment and nothing else. I'm totally aware that you cannot build a SDK over the night. But the way VSTEP have said it it sounds like it will take years.. That just explains how advanced the CGR file format is (used by Quest3D) when it's not a open file format but just a more closed file format.
You are using XML files to add the boat physics and behavior right? Such file that you can edit in NotePad?
At the last: Thanks for your well fundamented answer Wout.
Maybe a developer for VSTEP can answer my questions so I can understand better the fundamentals behind this game.