I finally decided it might be worth loading Windows 10 about a month ago. Silly me.
Rather a half-hearted decision though. Sadly, the download failed, but my computer did not think it failed so it tried to install Windows 10. You can guess what happened!!!!!!!! Of course it was impossible to install, but my computer insisted in trying to do so. I ended up with a never ending instruction to re-start my computer, which just went on and on ad-infinitum. However my computer did revert to Windows 7, thank goodness. I will not repeat what I wanted to say to Microsoft, but after searching the internet I found that this problem was quite common, BUT nobody had found out how to solve it. Microsoft themselves are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, So I was stuck with the problem. A little window would appear onscreen giving me the option to be reminded in 10 minutes, one hour or four hours later or just to postpone the re-start. Once 29.7.16. had passed I gave up trying and approached a local computer repair expert, who turned out to be quite brilliant, even though it did take him four days to work out a solution. I was charged the sum of £50.00. which I reckon was very, very reasonable. As Far as I am concerned Windows 10 is a definite no,no.