Okay sorry but 'stabs in the gut'? And then a rain dance? So does the idea of stabbing and killing people amuse you? That is not very nice.
You have posted a rule about not being offensive, and then you also post an example where someone gets stabbed, and presumably killed.. you've broken your own rule as stabbing someone is quite offensive. And that sort of thing has no place on this forum. Doing other people bodily harm is not a fun subject for a lighthearted forum-game. I trust you understand that.
I see no real use in this game to be honest, and I have the feeling that violence will come into it, at numerous occasions. If that happens, the topic will be locked. Keep it fun and peaceful and it's okay, but no violence against people please.
Here's my go:
person 2: I evacuate your hill. I drop a nuke on your hill. Hill is gone.
uh-oh, did I just win the game?
(p.s. no living thing was harmed in the nuking of the hill)