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Author Topic: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.  (Read 20878 times)


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2010, 17:01:03 »

My, my Global moderators. Why so defensive ……. Its only a game.

As moderators, representatives, sales people you guys are doing a wonderful job of destroying V – Step’s reputation as a serious games provider and at times your attitude is aggressive even hostile and it appears any time there is even a hint of something odd about this game you seem to ride to its defence without actually debating the fundamentals of any point even findings that could actually make for a better product. You only ever pick up on the bad points .. I have said on several occasions that this is a good ship game and probably the best there is currently on the market. It seems that you are not reading and understanding what is written. You talk of intelligent life but you don’t seem to be able to understand your own customer’s requirements and expectations, so how is there ever going to be any improvement to this product if there is no where to point things out to you without you taking offence all of the time.  … ???

I am not alone it seams .. Just go to Amazon UK site and look at the reviews. There are 17 reviews, 2 people gave 5 stars ( Only they look suspiciously as being attached to  this forum ) and 12 of them give you guys a 1 star rating out of 5. ( 1 star being the worst ) and someone called Lisa who bought this game for her son actually stated that she would have given it a ‘ 0 ‘ if she could . Yes that was a zero. . If that is not ringing any bells then there is nothing that I can write on here that is going to help you put together a better game that people actually expect. Those same people with those same expectations are your customers if you don’t listen to them and help them then your product is not going to sell and people will have doubts about buying into a new version that’s if you have enough sales revenue to support a new edition. You have already stopped supporting ship simulator 2008 and I suspect leaving many of your older customers feeling somewhat bemused even abandoned as through no fault of their own their computer is not up to the demands of the new game and therefore will be unable to extend the life of a product that they bought in the last few years… Some will be asking themselves no doubt if it would be worth while buying into a new version  ( not everyone is in the position to go out and buy a new PC every time a new game comes out) You guys have much to learn about supporting old versions of products and maintaining your customer base. There are many , many people out there who still use Flight sim 2004 and Trainz 2004 and they do so because you can still down load new products for both those computer games both free and pay ware. To me it seems crazy for you to be cutting off your own customers like that, many I suspect who will not bother coming back as they will simply move on to other things.  You have already pointed out that this is a niche market with a smaller following then flight sim only you are not helping to make it any bigger. I would say after reading a lot of the reviews and also a lot of the comments on this forum that you are also alienating people. ……. You are therefore self-generating a shrinking market.   Someone has already written on this forum that ‘ V – Step isn’t going to worry about loosing a customer ‘ Well with that kind of attitude and business model some day there aren’t going to be enough customers left to actually warrant publishing a new version and then you will be on a forum that has mostly failed to debate anything that would help to enhance this product.

 As for seamanship most of the stuff you refer to is fine for 1940 / 1950 / 1960  a world of bulk break ships and tramp steamers unfortunately all that has been swept aside. Go look at the imported goods in any UK shop in any UK city. Most of them arrived via container ships. If we had to mess about with your version of seamanship then those same shops would be empty. The modern world doesn’t have time for pottering about in boats. The ships im on often arrive in port unloads 5000 containers, picks up an out going load and departs again with in 24 hours. Those same ships come from half way round the world and arrive on time every time. The customer doesn’t want to know how wonderful the seamanship is the people who buy the products don’t want to know how wonderful the seamanship is ( They just want to buy the goods )….. So who cares if the ships computer downloads real time weather reports and then automatically plots several courses with arrival times  etc etc. I do not. The company doesn’t, the customers don’t and the people who buy the goods in the shops don’t ….. Which probably more or less leaves people like yourself and if fancy modern equipment is so bad then why are you operating a computer game on a computer which is trying to simulate ships jammed packed with fancy modern equipment.… ????

You bang on about seamanship only in this game you cannot even do your version of good old seamanship as there are no tides, currents, winds, marker buoys, lightships, lighthouses etc, etc Even the compass is only marked as N. E. S. W. where are the degrees ..? there is nothing to support a compass bearing …So how are you going to plot one.  What are you going to do in open sea. …. Guess which way to go next. Perhaps ask a friendly passing container ship for directions and then are you still going to be doing that at night, in the fog  …. ??

So tell me which equipment do you use in this game to navigate around the map …  The so called Chart is actually mimicking a ground mapping GPS system, you know that fancy modern equipment. So no peeking at the GM GPS display … So how do you get from A to B …. …. ??

As for Microsoft Flight sim the US Navy uses it for pre flight training after one of their students passed out a few years ago with very exceptional ratings after using it to train up on.. On Mircosoft Flight Sim at least you can follow a compass course or a NDB bearing or a VOR bearing and you can also track a ILS. You can fly the Magenta line on the EFIS system and the EFIS ( Electronic Flight Instrument System ) system actually works along with the alarms. At least there is some sort of communication system and also some sort of traffic / flight control and yes planes do stop when they fuel runs out. There is also a payload system ( Load the aircraft to the max and it will not take off ) and you can set the aircraft to auto pilot and fly on the systems, some of the aircraft have got MCDU installed  ( Multifunction Control Display Unit )  and workable flight management systems and the doors of the aircraft do open. The weather system is a little ropy but at least there is some wind and cross winds on landing and take offs and their scenery is lit at night and there is support for third party add-ons through various websites even support and add-on’s for older versions of flight sim with a lot of choice in both pay ware and free down loads of scenery, aircraft and support structures and what’s more you can edit the whole thing and even repaint the aircraft if you so desire.

To be fair it has taken a long time to get it there then again in many of those years it was being developed on some very limited computer systems with very limited computer programmes and the whole thing only got into its stride after Microsoft managed to develop its XP Programme to series 2 only along the way the programme makers did listened to people, especially people in the industry in an attempt to make the product better.

And yes I will write it again. This is a good ship game it is probably the best that there currently is on the market …… The 2008 version has got a very good and user friendly Mission Editor .. Only over all the whole thing has its limitations, limitations that you are not helping to address …. As JHB from Norway has so kindly called it this is ‘ Ship Handling Simulator for Kids ‘ so if that’s the level you want to remain at then I am happy for you I wish you well.

Kindest regards



‘The makers also have an excellent Forum where technical help and comments on the game can be freely and openly discussed’   . Angus Traddles 30 April 2009 UK Amazon.


Oh Really ………

I don’t think that you have discussed or debated anything that I wrote ….  Don’t worry I will be returning to sea soon, you know ‘to how’s it’s done for real’ and leave you guys to your version. There is one other question I would like to ask before I go and I will ask that as a new topic ……

Below is a paragraph taken from an avsim forum from a pilot and programmer from PMDG … Posted 28 September 2010 - 05:41 PM

So lets talk about "realism" in the sim world for a moment: All of us on the PMDG development team are fairly heavy consumers of add-ons, and we frequently have internal discussions about quality, realism and detail. Specifically, we tend to focus on what makes one product truly stand out, while another product might not set the world on fire.

So how come PMDG can debate and find out what people require and then go on to enhance their product and you do not seam to be able to……. ???


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2010, 17:22:21 »

I do agree with you Utsira.  :)
 Yet, dealing with the subject of realism here seems to be rude and impolite.
But I was pleased to read your previous post as those from JBH.



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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2010, 20:17:30 »

If I am allowed to, I would like to clear up a few items in UTSIRA's latest post.  Firstly the moderators do not work for, nor are part of VStep. We happen to be volunteers who attempt to give help to players and to endeavour to keep some semblance of discipline on the forum.
As to myself, I make no bones whatsoever about either my age or my qualifications, as anyone is free to see in my profile, unlike others who I will not lower myself to name. Yes, I am what many would regard as an old wreck, who knows little of the present day world of shipping, but I do have a small modicum of experience, and I never sailed on a trampship. ::) So far though I fail to see where I have either insulted anyone or claimed to know everything there is to know about ships and shipping, once again unlike others.
I am only too well aware of the shortcomings of Ship Simulator Extremes as it is at present. Most of the complaints registered here on the open forum, were already reported to VStep who are currently working hard to correct things free of charge. One of the reasons, in my opinion, if I may be allowed to express an opinion of course, that the game is as it is right now is that the People at VStep endeavoured to produce a game incorporating a great deal of material which had been asked for by the numerous players of Ship Simulator 2008. Possibly it became a matter of overreaching the capabilities of the game. As I am not party to the principals at Vstep I cannot comment on this.
For UTSIRA to raise a comment I made in April of last year when he was not around and Ship Simulator Extremes did not exist is rather pathetic. But then, who am I to say so, I merely said what I observed at the time. It may come as a surprise to some that, in order to try to perform the tasks I have volunteered to do, I happen to read virtually everything that appears on the forum. I would be telling porkies if I were to say that I agree with all the stuff which is written here, but, again, this particular topic has neither been locked or removed unless I am mistaken. The contents have not been edited, nor altered in any way.
Please tell me when I have been either aggressive or even hostile to anyone, other than those who try to advertise on the forum or insist upon using foul language rather than discuss calmly and intelligently any topic they care to.
You see the interesting thing about so many of the insulting remarks which are made about we moderators seem to assume that it is perfectly OK for others to have opinions but not for us also to have opinions. These people do not know how much most folk care about the game and it's ability to give pleasure to many players.
Perhaps if those who are so keen to denigrate us were able to accept our criticism as well as dishing it out, the forum would be a more pleasant and happier place in which to participate.
I will conclude by saying that I feel very sorry that some members of the forum feel it quite acceptable to hurl insults about people who are here to help, merely because they do not happen to like what is said, and because they are so full of their own importance that they do not understand the views of others.
My regards to those who deserve them,

« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 20:24:58 by Traddles »
Retired, UK foreign going Masters Ticket.

Aad The Pirate

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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2010, 20:34:46 »

Well spoken, Agnus  :2thumbs:
Feel free to have a look @: http://members.chello.nl/a.vermeulen14/


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2010, 21:19:59 »

Well said, Vige.
My SILF project got a hit.
(Search for Intelligent Life on the Forum)

To me this is the type of stuff that makes me want to lash out and use foul language. To be in the positions that some on this forum are in or have been in on vessels takes a lot of experience, time and study. Sure some might not be of high intelligence about mathematics, world events, or anything that involves a university degree, but get them talking about their 1st love (sorry wife) the sea they could fill you with so much information you would be sitting down for hours. Seamanship is not something that any book can teach you. It must be learned at sea. Being down in the Southern Ocean in 15m seas in 65m Factory Trawler towing nets sometimes beam on, you learn why things need to be lashed down. You learn why hatch dogs need to be tight. You learn why portholes have 3 dogs around them to stop all that green water coming through them. Etc etc......

Hey I think we are all wanting one thing. We want a game or Sim to work as we want it, to give us hours of enjoyment. And that we can add ports, our favourite ships and oceans to the game to challenge those skills we are learning from this game. I think we all should work together and make this a awesome product.


Aad The Pirate

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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2010, 22:52:52 »

Hear, Hear !  :thumbs:
Feel free to have a look @: http://members.chello.nl/a.vermeulen14/


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2010, 00:51:22 »

Hey I think we are all wanting one thing. We want a game or Sim to work as we want it, to give us hours of enjoyment. And that we can add ports, our favourite ships and oceans to the game to challenge those skills we are learning from this game. I think we all should work together and make this a awesome product.
+1 Kiwi old mate  ;)

The lesson is: Patience brethren, the best is yet to come  ;D


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2010, 02:44:01 »

I cant help but 100% agree with UTSIRA and the reply by Lalo. And I feel it important to vocalize my agreement. It does appear that user constructive criticism and making suggestions to improve realism is frowned upon here and sometimes illicits a harsh response from GMs. Maybe Im misunderstanding the overtones of the posts, but my objective here is to provide user feedback in a public forum. Sometimes the truth hurts and its not what developers what to hear. But in the end, I am the one paying for the EULA and software. The users critiques, suggestions and ideas should welcomed in these forums. Im glad there are thousands of customers who are happy with their SSE purchase; however, just because you have a lot of satisfied customers, doesn't mean the ones who AREN'T satisfied dont have something to say.

UTSIRA- again, very good post Mate!


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2010, 03:37:43 »

Vesselmate, the reason some of us responded to Ultsira the way we did was the title of this thread.

"Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant."

wtf. I'm thinking who is this guy, to start ranting at us and behaving like he didn't get his mchappy meal when SOLAS was never a goal of the sim, and was never implied that way.

I'm not a merchant sailor but it doesn't make me any less of a qualified person to offer opinions as to the quality of this game. I've only had it for two weeks but I'm happy with it and I'm prepared to go along with the bumps and jumps of development while the game MATURES. I've done this with other sims before and this is something I can honestly say I have experience in, watching games go from beta to final, and years later in development when mods and content enrich the experience. You never get this at release. FSX is just one sim that I can think of that did exactly the same thing guys. Remember the framerates before it started getting some decent patches and people started to upgrade their systems?

He has acknowledged the shortcomings of the game but has not considered changing the rather misleading title of his post which implies that VSTEP intended to make this SOLAS compliant but didn't. This is not the case at all.

By the way, I'm not a global moderator and don't intend to be, but I'll always step in if I see someone being overtly unreasonable which I think has happened here. I'll also do the same for those who jump on the bandwagon if they hold the posters view just to add 'votes' instead of being constructive. Just remember that the people who code this software never get enough credit for the work they do. It's not a gravy train.

I have even suggested to Ultsira that a commercial grade ship sim is probably what he needs and should pay for. It might cost him a bit more than the very reasonably priced SSE though.

Peace  :thumbs:

« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 04:16:45 by Vige »


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2010, 04:26:32 »

The nice thing about forums is that it gives people the chance to voice their opinions. I dont have to agree with yours, you with mine, etc, etc, ad nauseam... :) but nevertheless, it makes for a discussion, doesn't it?

It does seem though that the discussion goes around in circles and I dont think anyone is really being heard, because the same things are said--- with the same rebuttals.

Regardless of anything else- this is a fact: The "Ship SIMULATOR Extremes" title is misleading. Its been mentioned before that to argue over weather the term SIMULATOR is used is silly- and I dont think thats silly at all. Anyone with half a brain-cell knows what a simulator is. Anyone with simulator experience knows what one is. Myself with over 15 years simulator experience, this is NOT a simulator. Period. If you want to use the term 'Simulator', the product should reflect as much and not masquerade itself. Thats my beef, and I think that applies for others as well.

Rebuttal, anyone? :D

sadsid († 2016)

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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2010, 09:09:35 »

Hi All
I have been reading the comments in some of these posts and here I have to say.
The statement that It does appear that user constructive criticism and making suggestions to improve realism is frowned upon here and sometimes illicits a harsh response from GMs.
Why on earth would v-step spend time ,money on a new product and then ignore the customers views
and criticism this would be financial suicide.

As moderator's we act on the content of the post not the criticsim or view

And yes we also have our view on what is wrong and are lucky in the fact we can tell them our views
more quickly than you but in saying that the forum is read by Frank& Pjotr on a daily basis so they are
aware of the feelings of member's customers.

Sometimes the truth hurts and its not what developers what to hear. But in the end, I am the one paying for the EULA and software. The users critiques, suggestions and ideas should welcomed in these forums.
Why on earth would V-Step not want to hear the truth if they do not get the true feedback to improve it then there is no game /sim.

We want a game or Sim to work as we want it, to give us hours of enjoyment. And that we can add ports, our favourite ships and oceans to the game to challenge those skills
 In the end this is what we all want but being negative will soon bring all the hard work of the V-step team
 to a grinding halt because Bad posts bad reviews do not sell a game.
So I myself would like to see a more positive attitude towards what is going to be the best addition to the
series yet.

But at the moment from what I am reading V-Step can not win no matter how hard they try some people
are out to down them & us moderators anyway.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 09:12:15 by sadsid »


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2010, 16:43:40 »

I must say, though, that sarcastic comments about "little boys playing with plastic boats on their bedroom floors" do little to endear the moderators to the users.

On my boat, the crew's job is to make the skipper look good!


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2010, 17:44:34 »

OK Sadsid, I`m going to try to be positive. Perhaps our enthusiasm sometimes is excesive. At the end, this is a game. Many times our annoyance come from the mulfunction of the software, you must understand us. Here, we are not flying planes, of playing tetris; in a few minutes you have finished a game. But, for instead, you are executing a difficult maneuver along one hour and a half or more and when you are almost finishing successfully and... Just at this moment the simulator crashes. At that moment you would bite the jugular to somebody; and of course, you enter into the forum and...

Could we talk about some suggestions to improve the simulator?

-It would be possible to deploy the radar display and the map display, independently? And be able to see both in the console of the helmsman, closing the window in the upper right corner? At this moment if you choice to see one of them, the image of the other remains frozen.

-It would be possible to see in the console of the helmsman the pieces of information about the degrees of heading, knots of speed, rpm of engines and bow or stern thrusters?

The walkthrough mode is good... to move yourself in the bridge; from one side to another. When a ship is docking or undocking, a team of seamen with an officer locates on bow and other team locates on stern. It would be better subjective sights on those places.

What about a feflective focus in night missions? Is really difficult to see the things. If we have now watter cannons, why not "light cannons"?

Well, Sadsid, be sure I`ll make more suggestions. See you   

sadsid († 2016)

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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2010, 17:57:09 »

Hi Tinchu
The things you mention as well as other things have been looked at by V-step
some are being worked on some under disgustion and in time get into the game,
I look forward to you posting more its more pleasant to read a post like that
And believe me we all know the feeling of a crash after a lot of hard work geting
to were you thought you were going to finish. answer Save and save often
                                                                                    Regards Eric

Before anyone jumps on me yes I am aware of the save game fault I have it to
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 18:08:06 by sadsid »


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2010, 23:49:31 »

For sure you can learn the basics on a computer but you have to go to sea to do the real stuff. Computer simulations are used of course they are but I don’t think that many actually compare to real tides and winds or sea state conditions ……… That is why there is years and years of learning and sea experience before one can get to be in charge of any half decent ship.

I’m not in a position to say who buys what and who uses what. May be I am but I am not going to, be that as it may those training companies would have to upgrade to the
 PRO version to retain any credibility. No student is going to wander into any maritime college knowing that the game version is all they have to train on. So what’s the worry about slightly enhancing the game product. If the game product is outstanding then the PRO version, it would follow would be even more so im sure any enhancements could only make the PRO version better and therefore become an even better training programme that these companies would want to buy. I’m sure a lot of British Airways pilots have used Microsoft Flight sim but they wouldn’t use that computer model to pass their final exams on or for advanced training.

For sure every computer game is a matter of balancing what is workable and what is reasonable within the limits of the actual computer programme to what is affordable and to what is likely to sell.

I guess that's why you can't get your masters rating without actualling getting on a ship.


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2010, 17:29:10 »

UTSIRA, I'll give you +100 :thumbs:

EDIT: 10% of this thread is about the moderators, 90% is about the game...uhm, even the name of the topic got nothing to do with moderators. So, don't let's start the game called  "I'm on UTSIRAs side and you are on the mods side"...?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 17:38:12 by JHB »


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2010, 17:47:38 »

Yes JHB, the title of this topic is that SSE is not SOLAS compliant. Totally relevant if in some derranged way you thought that developers had advertised this as a feature of the game.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 02:06:14 by Vige »


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2010, 01:20:33 »

I take exception to your post Vige. I am by far NOT a cheapsakte, as Ive invested well over $10,000USD in a flight simulation setup- and yes that was with a 59.99 base MS Flight Simulator. The rest is addons and professional hardware.

And now the conversation goes in another circle... MS PROFESSIONAL Simulator vs. this 'game'.

I remain firmly standing beside and supporting UTSIRA and JHBs posts.


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2010, 01:55:53 »

Yes JHB, the title of this topic is that SSE is not SOLAS compliant. Totally relevant if in some derranged way you thought that developers had advertised this as a feature of the game.

The title of this topic should be "Cheapskates who expect a commercial grade sim for the price of a non-commercial sim"

Sorry my Ozzie mate you are way off the mark here! As I have said like my other friend here I too have spent a lot of money upgrading FSX to an awesome product. It too came from a small base price just like this game. I think what we are all saying is once the bugs are ironed out we are more than willing to pay for add ons to this game as well.



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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #44 on: November 11, 2010, 02:21:09 »

I've removed the offending comment and offer my apologies ;D

I will say to all of those who have taken the original posters side here, I understand how frustrating it can be to have a product that doesn't work the way you had expected, but to attack the developer in the way that has been done here, IMHO has really not done anything to resolve the situation - it could have been handled better by being a little more understanding and perhaps some more specific direction of posts in appropriate forums, and perhaps a little less finger pointing.

Some direct emails to VSTEP might have also been helpful if they hadn't been done already.

Or if you want to use this thread to attack me, that's fine because I'll be avoiding it in the future. I only got involved in this thread because it looked like someone kicking someone while they were down.

Give VSTEP a chance guys. You might actually get what you want in the end.  :)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 02:24:05 by Vige »


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2010, 04:46:12 »

Thanks Vige.

I think a little more up to date info from V Step would be good. Just like before they told us what was coming up in the next update and a rough timeline. All people see, is advertising and going ahead with more activities but no mention of updates to fix bugs. I guess people feel they have paid money for a game and are having trouble with it so are wondering why sell it to others so they will be unhappy too? Sure the company needs funds to do the work on the game, people know it it will get there in the end, but is it better to make the current owners happy, so they go on the forums and reviews and rave about an awesome product, that you will spend hours and hard earned dollars to enjoy and want to add too?  I guess this is what Vstep is having to weigh up. As a niche game they need people to be happy so they go out and recruit new players into the world of Ship sim. Just like you, I do not want to see things written here harm the project but more updates of information will make current users happy and new intending users the faith to go ahead and purchase it.

Cheers Nick.


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #46 on: November 23, 2010, 23:33:50 »

I just posted a few grumbles about the SS08 version not having GPS tied in to real charts. I see there is quite a thread with other, in my opinion more unreasonable requests.

As far as I can see Ship Sim is about as good as it gets, and it is pretty great in most respects.

 I suggest starting with improving the small things  - such as accurate GPS - lights - cardinal marker buoys - would be the place to start without meaning lots of development time and actually, having been an OOW in the RN, making it really, really, dull to play with!

If this happens I will upgrade to SSE!


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #47 on: November 24, 2010, 02:25:38 »

Ok gonna open my mouth here. I read and reread this thread. I got what I paid for. Nothing more nothing less. V-Step will get to fixing the problems as they can. I Being a Licensed Professional Mariner immensely enjoy Driving the ships and craft in this version. I see it as a way to relax and treat it as therapy since I am physically unable to get back on the water. As far as SOLAS and STCW compliant I don't feel that this needs to be. As has said if you want to get the perfect SOLAS and STCW compliant then by all means ditch this and go spend the thousands of dollars, franks, Ausie bucks, Canadian dollars, pounds or what ever your currency of choice is.

I just cant stand people who come to a forum and start blasting at someone or some entity that their person or product doesn't meet the requirement they need.

In closing I have problems with the game but those problems have already been reported and so I await V-Steps fixes. Don't come here ruining it for the few that have patience and understanding.

Never get caught with your head in the head.


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Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #48 on: November 24, 2010, 19:26:21 »

Hello, bsm2003. You can be sure that I`m very patient person and I support VStep in this project. I`m not interested in ruining this project. At any case VStep can ruin or succeed in this project with their policy, not a few hotheaded people in this forum.

You are a professional seaman. I don`t know exactly what are you expecting about a game simulator. I don`t know either if you knew the previous editions of ship simulator. In SS08 you had a complete information on the top of the screen. The map; which never was a wonderful thing, included more information than now. It had many icons on the bottom right corner on the screen with many functions. It had too more sight options. You could change the settings without to abandon a mission...

Yes, of course, I know your answer and the moderators answer... In next patch... without to specify what patch.

You must admit, at least, that is not a good business policy to release a new version and that version be less playable than previous version.

My support for VStep, yes, but if VStep is a bit more generous with us and with our wishes; many times shown in this forum, and reasonable wishes, I think.



  • Guest
Re: Game or Sim .. ? Either way its not SOLAS compliant.
« Reply #49 on: November 24, 2010, 20:09:34 »

If you had bothered to look, you would know that bsm2003 has been a forum member since 2008. He has probably noticed the HUD and the other things you mentioned.
You, on the other hand, are not a registered user of either game.
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