One thing is for sure, I'll never buy anything from them again.
Then we are at least three. I have totaly lost my trust to that company.
Today I got the second game I have waited for to get in a long time. First it was SSE and now Codmasters F1 2010. After what I have read here about other games(some have give the impression that almost all games have bugs and needs patches to work), so was I a bit nervouse that this game also should be like SSE. But, I got a big suprice, there is Ai cars in the game, and more to controle than the wheel and throttle and brake, and most fantastic, the game works completly. To make the F1 car possible to drive you have to adjust and tune many many things, each different wheel have 4-5 different things you have to tune, and then the engine and all the other things, together maybe about 30 differnt things just to make the car driveble, and this tunes and adjusment are different to different tracks. And that game has not even the name simulator in it. Compare that with SSE, a five year old child can take a cruiceship from Rotterdam to England with no problem at all, I only had to translate the english for him, after he finished that mission so was he angry on me. He said that he did not like to play the game in "novice mode", he liked to play it in "expert mode", and when I told him that what he played is all what the game include so do I think most persons here can guess his opinion of the game. And that game have the name simulator in the name. My first "tv-game" did I get 1976, it was two lines on each side and a dot which should be the ball, and I think that was more of a tennis simulator than SSE is a shipsimulator.
I started another thread here where I asked about the future plans of SSE, if there is any plans to make this little closer to a simulator game. I understand that no one from Vstep have time to answer me there now when they work with this new updat. If they hold on to what Frank have said, so will my trust and opinion of Vstep as a game creator be even lower than what it is today(that there should not be anything more to controle than the throttle and streering). I understand that some are satisfied with that there is nothing more to do, than steering, but we are also some who expected this game to be little bit more of a simulator.