Fred, you were right in your guess. The new patch came today.
But, now I wonder when will the next patch come. A patch which will solve the bugs in this patch(version 1.2.2).
So far have I find some things which worked before the new patch, the map is now only white. Before I could zoom in and out but that is not possible after the patch. I can not switch to radar.
I can still deploy boats, but I can not controle the deployed boats. The icon which before came up of the deployed boat is not there anymore. So none of the missions where I should deploy a boat are now not possible to solve.
One of the reasons why this patch was delayed was that this things should not happen. But, it happened anyway. So my suggesstion for now, is that Vstep take this patch back, and solve the problems with it and then release it again when all things are fixed.
The errors with this new patch, does not realy rebuild the reputation of Vstep. I understand that this things are difficult and the risc of errors are big, but it now start to become too many. And I do not care if other companies and games also have problems. When I was working so did I always compared me self with them who were better than me, so I could be that good too.