Some content removed;
Even though you might have a somewhat valid point, Devin, the VS staff have every right to make rules/guidelines as they see fit.
No one buys VS with an included right to have their addons put on a site or in an addon library and it's their right to refuse some models, if they want to. And what he lists is not untrue. Might be nitpicking and too strict when you look at their 'open structured game' method of old, but it IS their choice. If they want to start raising the bar, then you'll just have to work harder to get there.
I don't agree with this new approach, but that still doesn't mean that the SS forum here is to be used for vindictive posts or other material meant to 'get back at them'.
It's not what we do here. If you want to make a point about the VS staff or forum being unfair, or whatever, then you should do it there, where they can see it, not here where Ãt has no place.
So please. Keep your personal issues with VS and their staff away from the shipsim forum. Showing off your 3d work is okay here. But the rest, and basically that includes the beta testing stuff too, is not SS related, and thus should not be on this forum. Releases for another game and the testing thereof don't really belong here, but we can be okay with that up to a point. But don't take it too far.
So try to keep that in mind.
Thanks very much.
* typos