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What boat is the less likely to sink the fastest?

Red eagle
- 2 (11.1%)
- 5 (27.8%)
Ocean star
- 2 (11.1%)
Freedom 90
- 7 (38.9%)
Red jet 4
- 2 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 16

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Author Topic: Why does my ship take forever to sink when i crash it all the time  (Read 14127 times)


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Lets all jump on the band wagon! :doh:
LV SHIPYARDS - Whatever you want, whatever you like, whatever you say, you pay your money, you take your choice  :lol: :2thumbs: :captain: !:)


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Lets all jump on the band wagon! :doh:



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 :lol: :doh:

Might have known you'd not be too far behind me  :thumbs:
LV SHIPYARDS - Whatever you want, whatever you like, whatever you say, you pay your money, you take your choice  :lol: :2thumbs: :captain: !:)

Kapn Jonah

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Like i said this is not the time or place for a joke to unfold...


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Marty, I can't say I disagree with him. You could have told him to search as well as offered the answer. I've seen certain bots on this forum chewed out for doing exactly what was done earlier, and I've also seen members driven away by that sort of behavior. This isn't the way a forum should be ran. I'm not happy.

Shane, I don’t see that you have a dog in this fight. By encouraging McG you may not be doing him a favor.
He has been sniping at me for a long time. I have tried to be patient, even agreeing with or praising him on many occasions. However, this episode has been enough. He had been warned before.
If the only way to convince him to stop is to rip him a new one in public, I am prepared to go as far as necessary.


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Marty can i offer up my opinion? Actually im going to anyway  ::)

No body as far as im aware is doubting or challenging your moderating skills and or anything else that moderating entails.
What is being doubted is the tone and language being tossed freely around an open forum. What sort of vibe is that giving off to new members or the 11 or so guests about now?

If it was me in your shoes and no dis-respect but i would continue this topic via PMs.
LV SHIPYARDS - Whatever you want, whatever you like, whatever you say, you pay your money, you take your choice  :lol: :2thumbs: :captain: !:)


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On the contrary you seem to have outraged quite a few forum members.

I hardly think that 'ripping me a new one' will do you any favours either. All I did is venture help on this topic. Help which you did not give in the first place. I think that in short, most vessels would sink when damaged to 70% above the waterline. I have run SS to confirm this. And found it to be quite correct. So much for;

your quick and erroneous answers

It certainly gives you no basis to make unfounded claims on the open forum about me wanting to be a moderator. Just because I use correct english does not make me a mod-hopeful. In fact, if you troubled to use the search function, you would be able to see that I have stated before very clearly that I do not want to be a moderator.

I have followed all the guidance required for people with grievances with moderators and await a response through that channel.
Almost never here, try here. (http://www.cliosport.net)


  • Guest

From pages 1 and 2, it looks like this topic should have a different name :lol:

And the Freedom 90 Does not sink at all, nor Pioneer, nor Arie Visser, unless you use the sink cheat :P


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I have followed all the guidance required for people with grievances with moderators and await a response through that channel.

Right, McG, You and Shane have reported my posts to me. I’m sure you don’t want my response, so you will have to wait awhile.

I suppose that none of you have noticed that moejoe still has not registered his key. At this point, we don’t even know if he has a legal SS.

We do not usually give support beyond certain necessities to people who are not known to be legal users.

I pointed moejoe to the forum in order to convince him to register his key.

There is a reason for doing things a certain way, but some thoughtless people don’t care about disrupting the operation of the support function, as evident in their penchant for posting unhelpful, off-topic, and inane comments in support topics, incuding this one.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 05:40:38 by mvsmith »


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We are not complaining about the level of help, but more the fact of the insult.
Almost never here, try here. (http://www.cliosport.net)


  • Guest

You should read the topic again from the top.
You started the rhubarb by complaining about the level of help.


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So I did. But that gives you no reason to act like you did.
Almost never here, try here. (http://www.cliosport.net)


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She probably doesn't sink because of not having a registered copy :police:


  • Guest

So I did. But that gives you no reason to act like you did.

Only after you persisted in your criticism, which was gratuitous and entirely out of line considering moejoe’s status, did I feel it necessary to admonish you.

Your interference with a moderator performing his job is something that cannot be tolerated.

If you were insulted by my suggestion that you wanted to be a moderator, perhaps it indicates the contempt you have for that office.


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You could have explained the situation rather than blaspheming about a forum member. Your behaviour is often questionable but this is too far. Earlier in this topic I supported you, but you just went too far.

It could be all resolved if you just apologised for insulting me.
Almost never here, try here. (http://www.cliosport.net)


  • Global Moderator
  • Posts: 5935,26.0.html

I suggest that a number of members who do not like the comments of moderators should read this topic with care. Not only read it, but inwardly digest it, particularly the parts about what moderators are and how to behave on the foum. I am a normally very tolerant person but the behaviour exhibited here by some of the forum members is going far beyond that which is acceptable. I post this as a fair warning, please take heed. It appears to me that many members have never read this topic, or if they have, that they seem to think it does not apply to them.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 11:55:27 by Traddles »
Retired, UK foreign going Masters Ticket.
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