I'm new to ShipSim2008 and I really enjoy using it very much!
I run ShipSim2008+New Horizons under windows 7 ultimate 32bit. It runs great, but if I start the mission editor and click "edit an existing mission", there is none to select (A list opens witn no items at all). Alternatively If I attempt to start the editor with such a mission loaded by doubleclicking the mission itself - after I have assosiated its file type with the editor - I get an error messase related to the "questviewer" (e.g. "questviewer run from the wrong directory") or something about the kind of the 'XLM' file or something like that.
Am I doing something wrong or those missions are just non user-editable?
All I'd like -for now- to be able to do, is to change the starting time of an existing mission.