Thank you DJM but I can see that the original 17th of august was a release date (official) but greonnegaard says EVERYTHING in the FAQ is estimate so what i'm saying two mods are saying two different things. That's what I don't get.
It's all about wording, we are in fact saying exactly the same thing
The initial date was over-run because of unforseen problems (it may have been official, but as previously stated, nothing is an exact science), the new approximated date was stated to allow the Developers time to fine-tune the patch.
If I can quote from the FAQ's:
Small error patchThe 17th of August a patch
should be released fixing a lot of bugs.
Save gameIn a future patch the savegame will be introduced. In other words, from then on you will be able to save your progress.
It is not clear yet in which patch it is going to be included.
Hovercraft and Jet SkiThe Hovercraft and Jet Ski will be introduced in a free patch. Date:
Sinking shipsThe ability to sink ships will
probably be introduced in the next patch (17th of August)
Now, take a look at the underlined parts (which I have highlighted for one reason), see the obvious statements here? Some of the features we will see in this patch weren't planned for this patch, so we are getting more than we actually expected and no
definite date was set for features that were initially to be included. It's all good in my personal opinion
I hope this explains the issue further