Hi There,
I'd also like to let you know about the Fairmount Sherpa Thrusters (I use the Sherpa all the time, It's my main "Boat"

You'll see two thruster controls, The top one is your Normal Bow Thruster, the bottom one is a stern Thruster. So, For example, you're about 5 meters away, parrarel to a harbour wall on your port side, you'd push both levers left (Port for port).
Or, for example, you want to turn around in a hurry, you'd set the thrusters opposite eachother, depending on what way you're wanting to spin.
It all comes with experience really, and being able to judge...I've had over a year with (Almost) just the Sherpa (Furie being my second boat, for pleasure Hehe).
Good luck! And, if you have any more questions, as I always say, Feel free to ask.
Kind Regards,
Tip: If you're REALLY in a hurry to turn around with the Sherpa...Set the thrusters opposite eachother, the Throttles opposite eachother, and turn the wheel either port or starboard, whatever way you're going....You'll have her turned on her length if you don't force the engine too much. You don't want to "Spin out" Either. But it's fun, you'll like it!