"At the design stage Carlisle suggested that Titanic use a new, larger type of davit, manufactured by the Welin Davit & Engineering Co Ltd, each of which could handle four lifeboats. Sixteen sets of these davits were installed, giving Titanic the ability to carry 64 wooden lifeboats—a total capacity of over 4,000 people, compared with Titanic's total carrying capacity of about 3,600 passengers and crew. However, the White Star Line, while agreeing to the new davits, decided that only 16 wooden lifeboats (16 being the minimum required by the Board of Trade, based on Titanic's projected tonnage) would be carried (there were also four folding lifeboats, called collapsibles)"
source "Alexander Carlisle's testimony (question 21449)". British Wreck Commissioner's Inquiry. 1912-07-30. http://www.titanicinquiry.org/BOTInq/BOTInq20Carlisle02.php. Retrieved 2009-07-21.
I trust wiki more than a tv show to be honest.. And it does speak of 'planning' as your question does.