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Author Topic: The New Flagship for SS2008?  (Read 20613 times)


  • NVDG
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The New Flagship for SS2008?
« on: May 03, 2007, 20:11:17 »

Being that Titanic was a vessel that was the "flagship" which gathered a lot of attention to SS2006 I was thinking either of the two vessels would certainly help grip a lot of consumer attention as well as meet a lot of consumer demands . . .

SS Normandie
Queen Mary 2

I foresee Normandie legally being easier to pull off, however, more people would be very interesed in in buying a product that allows them to run around in the QM2 or equivalent.

Thoughts anyone?

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 12:49:51 »

QM2 gets my vote!

However, my favourite ships on the seas remain P&O's fleet, especially Oriana.


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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2007, 14:28:23 »

QM2 gets my vote!

However, my favourite ships on the seas remain P&O's fleet, especially Oriana.

QM2 and Royal Caribbean ship Freedom of the Seas for me.  ;D
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2007, 19:35:40 »

Queen Mary 2 sounds nice if this becomes a ship model with the same polygon size as Titanic (800 000 polygons or something like that). I think that many people knows the QM2 in some way and it will probably give a lot more attention to the game if she becomes the flagship wahetever version of Ship Simulator we are talking about. ;D

Anyway I’m afraid that this copyright and policy crap according to ship owners will force the one that make the ship model to make a fictional delivery of here, hopefully very close to the real QM2 just with another name and all that stuff.  :-\

That’s my thoughts and experience about the case ;)
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  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2007, 21:31:51 »

Yes, copyrights will be a concern - hence why I was mentioned another famous, older vessel which copyrights are not such a major issue.

Freedom of the Seas and QM2 tie for me as well . . . They would be a awesome but would present SOME legal issues.

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2007, 15:08:29 »

I Would also prefer to see the QM2 or the Freedom of Seas, But maybe it is an option to put the emma mearsk on it from MEARSK cargo !.

Allright copyrights but what about P&O ? There is no copyright ?

Captain Davies

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2007, 16:57:03 »

QM2 would be my preference, I just hope that Cunnard (they are the ones that run it aren't they) will be willing to let it be in the game.


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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2007, 16:59:21 »

QM2 would be my preference, I just hope that Cunnard (they are the ones that run it aren't they) will be willing to let it be in the game.

Yes. It would be nice if Cunard agreed!


  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2007, 21:46:30 »

Yes, Cunard does in fact operate and in part are the owners of QM2 - which are part of the Carnival Cruises Corporation. I would think that they would be interested in this, knowing that QM2 has not been doing well in sales as well as the media. She has had several incidents on board between crew members as well as that accident over a year ago where she ripped off an azipod in the Gulf of Mexico. I am on the Cunard mailing list and they are always running specials by me, trying to get my to buy a pair of tickets . . . I worry she is just too costly and not enough "cruise ship style fun" to get people on board. I have heard both great and terrible things about cruising on QM2 - I was hoping to buy a pair of tickets this summer and cruise to Europe and see what she's like in her real element - open ocean.

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  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2007, 21:48:09 »

Allright copyrights but what about P&O ? There is no copyright ?

Oh, there is, by no doubt . . .  I would not think a Ferry company would be aas . . . tight about the matter as the cruiselines - however, I hear Destination Gotland ferries are pretty tough to deal with, so P&O with their reputation might be hard to deal with as well.

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2007, 21:58:23 »

Infact,it seems that every company is hard to deal with.
However,i believe they could participate,in something very nice.This game has something to do in maritime circles,or do i see this completly wrong.
I wish they will review their points,if we could atleast 1 company,to start with.

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2007, 00:49:50 »

I think for me would be a large tanker.


  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2007, 16:56:01 »

I think for me would be a large tanker.

Interesting selection. Anyone in particular?

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2007, 17:13:51 »

As a flagship with a great emotional content, and a smaller copyright concern, why not the SS United States? It still exists, has PR and true Blue Ribbon (I think).
I would prefer the Euronav newly acquired TI Asia, but it is also sentimental (well, a friend becomes chief); an impressive ULCC!


  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2007, 17:33:27 »

SS United States would certainly be a good idea. Their organization probably would want to team up with us similar to those tug organizations last year. Also, she does have an impressive 38.86 knot top speed and the former winner of a blue ribbon! Sadly, I think she is terribly ugly . . . . However, she would get some people excited and for US buyers there is a sense of patriotism in it . . . Of course I think that word is a bit over used lately.

I would rather see the old, massive Normandie or the Original big girl herself, the RMS Queen Elizabeth. Now that will get both UK buyers and old oceanliner buyers right off the bat!

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Captain Davies

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2007, 19:22:01 »

QM2 has not been doing well in sales as well as the media.

It's seems like the QM2 was built to be some sort of modern day Titanic in terms of grandeur and luxury, but in doing so Cunard (and whoever the other owners are) have put her out of reach of the modern day cruise ship market.  They forgot that the Titanic and other luxury liners were so successful because it was the only way to get from Europe to America, now most people (especially wealthy ones) would rather step on to a 747 and spend more time at their destination than actually travelling to it.  It's sad really.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 19:33:39 by Captain Davies »


  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2007, 19:24:13 »

Yes - it is very, very true . . . . They also need to realize that cruising is not a elitist thing like it was in the past. a tooo grand and opulant a vessel will do not as well in sales as a comfortable, attractive, enjoyable vessel.

However, yes, I think some rethinking on the part of Cunard and Carnival Cruises International need to be made in order for the ship to survive.

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2007, 05:07:20 »

Personally, as a fan of older ships I think maybe the Andrea Doria from 1953 or the Normandie would be that bigger attraction cus if you think about it. People can still walk the QM2 normally and same with the Freedom of the Seas but can you do that with the Normandie? No, cus she is probably part of your car by now. And for the Andrea Doria, she was a trendsetter just like the Normandie. And the Andrea Doria is a smaller ship than all of the others(QM2 1,147. Normandie 1,028. Andrea Doria 700) she would be easier to make.
bon voyage! :)


  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2007, 07:12:05 »

I am definately for both ships. However, I highly prefer SS Normandie.

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2007, 21:23:53 »


the qm2 ha pritty cool but it would be realy cool with the sister ship of the titanic the hmhs britannic.
but if the qm2 is also in the game i would also buy him!  ::)

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2007, 21:45:36 »

The britanic would be easy to make but I think people might think Ship Sim was too lazy to make another ship so they altered the Titanic to look like the Britanic. I think a ship that had more popularity shuold be used
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2007, 13:02:10 »

Good day to you all,

I just signed in and what i've seen so far and I have great admirering for all those people who takes there time to build these ships.

I found this one: http://www.shipparade.com/cruise%20reviews/MSC_Musica/MSC%20Musica.htm but not easy to build i think ?

keep up to good work,

Greetings Coen


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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2007, 13:52:53 »

That might be a good boat to put in the game it's new and I love it but I think that maybe more famous boats mught be added and historic ones as I think the game needs to appeal to everyone's taste.   ;)  Whether it is historic or just plain huge cruise ships!!
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  • NVDG
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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2007, 20:54:39 »

Whatever we use it needs to be iconic and well known within the maritime & maritime-fan communities. That is why I am asking for something either current and popular or something older and legendary.

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Re: The New Flagship for SS2008?
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2007, 21:26:12 »

I just signed in and what i've seen so far and I have great admirering for all those people who takes there time to build these ships.

I like it! But I think that would be better for an add-on. I think we should go with somthing chic, somthing big, somthing like Freedom of the seas, QM2, Queen Mary(1st),... 1960's. Italian Lines 2 super ships! Michelangelo and the Raffaello! Insted of ONE flag ship, how about these two ships or someothers
bon voyage! :)
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