4gb ram
8800 320mb Gts (it's the bottleneck im sure!)
2.4ghz dual.... probably also a bottleneck..
XP sp2 (and yes.. i know it only finds 3.2 gigs of ram.. hehe)
If yer on an Nvidia card, you might check out Nhancer, external proggy in which you can set/override graphicssettings for any game! Just make sure you know what what is, as setting all of them to the highest wont improve every game, but it can help some games out,
furthermore there's a program called Rivatuner out there, i use one of it's features located in the tools folder, it's called d3doverrider and runs on the bottom right of yer desktop when clicked(it gives a thump-sound from windows when a game is engaged. It seems to clear out memory from your graphicscard or normal ram, it made my GTLegends run much smoother, haven't tried it in shipsim yet as it runs fine as is, but it might help some ppl who expirience a touch of lag at times. (your system freezing for a milisecond or even longer..)
Current version i have is 2.09 of rivatuner.. allthough i've never started rivatuner up itself, i think it's Nvidia again, so sorry ATI guys... dont think itll work.