As many of you have seen ever since my recent trip to mystic Seaport and on the Sabino Seam Ship I have become more of a steam lover. So what I'm trying to get to is that I'm going to build my own steam powered Remote Controlled Ship. I just bought this
Light Weight Oscillating Steam Engine Kit I also have a whistle on the way and I'm machining a boiler. All gauges will also be hand made. This should be a slightly easier and more entertaining project than my last thoughts of an RC zeppelin.
This isn't the actual one I bought but it is very close, mine is bigger.
I would love some extra help with techniques on how to design and construct a good water tight hull that will hold up to 10-20 pounds of equipment on board. I have a feeling that there are a few people on this forum that can lend me a hand.
Thanks for the future help,
The Lord of The Steam Locomotion.