Hi Ralph,
You have two alternatives:
You can change your installed language to EN, or you can do as you just did—mark the language in the mission properties as NL, even though the text is actually in English.
Most Dutch and German creators who Upload to the CMMs do the latter—marking the missions NL, or DE because they can keep their native language on SSE. However, that makes it necessary for EN—type CMMs to switch to those languages to download their submissions.
I suggest keeping your native language in SSE and saving your mission as NL while you are developing it with English text. If and when you want to submit it to the CMMs, you can do a final save in EN. That will allow the CMMs to see it and download it. You might need to temporarily move the .NL file to your desktop, or you may be able to submit it with both language files—I’ve never tried that.
To change the in-game language temporarily without re-installing, you can edit the registry:
Type regedit into the search box at the bottom of the Start menu.
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Vstep\ShipSimExtremes\Language_Ingame.
It might be easier to get there by searching for NL but you may need to Search again to find the right entry.
Right-click on Language_Ingame and select Modify…
Once you have done that, running regedit should take you back to that entry—until you do something else with regedit.