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 on: November 26, 2024, 01:12:31 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by CapnCrane
2) Not sure how, I simply installed the new folders/files from your attachement into their respective folders, overwriting the existed files when it asked.
Same for Toisa ship - got it from http://forum.shipsim.com/index.php?topic=31890.0
5) I think it might try installing updates from https://shipsim.com/downloads/updates - the resulting 1.5.5 version from there would overwrite the flawed or incorrect files in my Steam 1.5.5 version.

"And both files can of course be edited." - how to open & edit them? Doesn't work for me.
Also, Luc, please see http://forum.shipsim.com/index.php?topic=31861.msg406616#msg406616 & my notes about the dredger.

 on: November 25, 2024, 12:10:23 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by LucAtC
Hello CapnCrane,
1) JumboJavelin top light on, thanks for your thumbs up.
2) It is evident that your version of FairmountSherpa is flawed. Please send me the zipped folders
These are very small folders, I will probably be able to detect and correct the problems.
5) The fact that you push the graphics to the max is perhaps why the chains don't show up, due to the Intel onboard graphic card.

In general, a faulty DirectX 9.0c is why graphic glitches happen, no surprise about that. If only one or two ships are concerned, the issue is mostly some badly overwritten ship file.

Dot lgt and bdg indeed contain respectively the lights and bridge objects parameters, in an extensive definition. And both files can of course be edited.


 on: November 24, 2024, 22:33:30 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by CapnCrane
Regarding earlier 5): That's VERY interesting! In my case I click on blue ball, it turns orange & anchor disappears, but no chain visible (see pic). Though other connections like tow/mooring lines are visible.  So I'm not sure how it's my pc's fault, all graphics are at max.

Oh, I see it's quite an issue with them - others also report it:
http://forum.shipsim.com/index.php?topic=23386.0 in 1.3 update it said achor chains & dropping anchors feature was added, but I have 1.5.5 version (Steam).

 on: November 24, 2024, 22:21:06 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by CapnCrane
Installed what was in attachement:
1) Yes, Jumbo Javelin's front top light now is on! Thanks to that brave crew memeber who dared to climb up on the mast & change the lightbulb, lol.
2) Regarding Fairmount Sherpa, things are very odd here:
the front top light itself is floating in the air & there're much of stuff I belive from that Toisa mod, including azipods.  But the biggest issue is rigtht after I touch the controlls some of that added decorative stuff begins to spin around the vessel (it's RPMs depend on RPMs set by throttle) around it's length/horizontal axis & turn around vertical axis depending on azipods tilt angle.  I'm not sure if it's only on my side such thing, but I can't describe it better.  After installing the Toisa mod/ship - there was same spinning stuff issue + all added stuff went off the ship after the ship started moving.

As I understand, the .lgt file is for placing lights & .bdg file is for arranging 3D stuff.
Is there a some software you use to open those files & work in them?

Regarding earlier 5): That's VERY interesting! In my case I click on blue ball, it turns orange & anchor disappears, but no chain visible (see pic). Though other connections like tow/mooring lines are visible.  So I'm not sure how it's my pc's fault, all graphics are at max.

 on: November 24, 2024, 19:05:51 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by LucAtC
1) Yes, pictures can only be taken in camera mode, see page 17 of the manual.
2) You could have found the keyboard controls at page 14 of the manual, and there is indeed a way to go back to the bridge, of course.
3) See point 1.
4) Interesting comment.
5) The chains are immediately visible once the blue ball is selected, at least for Jumbo Javelin and Fairmount Sherpa. Perhaps is it due to your PC.
6) Indeed, the front masthead light of JJ and FS were frozen, I don't know why. Attached the correction, its content should be thrown into Vstep folder.
7) I am not able to answer, as I don't play in multiplayer since more than 12 years.
8) The damage bar is visible, at least on my screens.
9) Yes, but you are certainly aware that the development itself was halted end 2010, only corrective patches and community improvements were published in this forum.

 on: November 24, 2024, 15:21:11 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by LucAtC
Hello Mokmok,
You make an interesting point. I agree with your perspective, although I still consider SS2008 somewhat arcadish due to its simplified handling and maneuvering characteristics. Virtual Sailor, even in its earlier versions, stood out for its more detailed hydrodynamics and realistic ship behavior. However, I admit that my experience with Virtual Sailor is limited to its 2006 iteration, and it has likely evolved significantly since then.

CapnCrane, regarding Nautis Home and Nautis:
If I recall correctly, Nautis (as it was renamed) was first released in April 2009. This was a decade before Nautis Home, announced in 2019, following years of substantial development. The differences between the two are significant: Nautis was built for professional training environments, whereas Nautis Home targets a broader audience, offering a more accessible experience while still retaining a serious simulation approach.

As for SSE (Ship Simulator Extremes), it was developed concurrently with SS2008Pro but with a new foundation. While there are ties between the two simulators—such as shared resources, teams, and environments—SSE introduced a new level of hydrodynamic modeling and object behavior that bridged the gap between entertainment and professional applications.

Lastly, regarding your question—Or do they have their own forum elsewhere?—yes, Nautis Home has a dedicated community forum, which you can find here: Nautis Home Community.

Signed: Luc and ChatGPT

 on: November 23, 2024, 19:42:06 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by CapnCrane
2) Walkthrough...
However the biggest disappointment was not being able to leave the bridge deck of the Jumbo Javelin.  In SS08 there was a button on the door clicking on which takes to the main deck where you could walk all over it.  Not possible anymore in SSE for that ship?

Thankfully someone mentioned it (once):

Hold in 3 or use the walkthrough camera reset

Somehow the camera teleports from wheelhouse to amidships on hatch covers. Then holding key 3 or pressing it several times only resets the camera to that same position.  No idea how to get back in the wheelhouse, lol.

 on: November 23, 2024, 19:27:38 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by MokMok
Another thing is that in the last 14 years there were several other games - European Ship Simulator, World Ship Simulator, Virtual Sailor NG, Ships 2017 etc - but I heard they all are arcade-like than serious simulators.

I can't say that Virtual Sailor NG/Vehicle Simulator are more arcade-like than serious ship simulators such as SS08 and SSE2010. Typical arcade-like ship simulators are in my opinion naval war games like World of Warships and War Thunder in which ship handling and manoeuvring are not very realistic.

 on: November 23, 2024, 19:23:06 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by will6418
Hello CapnCrane, I’ll start up the server in 20 minutes. Use the same IP and port from above


 on: November 23, 2024, 19:18:23 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by CapnCrane
Hi Luc, thanks for that very interesting insight about the how it all was!

SS2008 Pro was ultimately upgraded, reworked, and renamed Nautis after significant effort from the VStep team.

The concept was to provide a successor to SS2008 without competing directly with Nautis.

I'm little confused here. I thought SS08 Pro was between SS08 & SSE, while the Nautis is what was announced in 2019. So SSE could be only as a slightly downgraded SS08 Pro regarding features.

Another odd thing is why it's still quiet regarding Nautis - I don't see too much of reviews or screenshots or videos of people playing it or even talking about their experience.  Or those have their own forum elsewhere?

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