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 on: July 25, 2024, 22:20:53 
Started by snorkpants - Last post by snorkpants
Elevate your dating game with the top site for hassle-free connections.
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 on: March 23, 2024, 14:50:08 
Started by ACR - Last post by ACR
Maybe i explained my question wrong :

If i have the wave slider in a atlantic ocean scenario set at half - what wave height is this ? And what wave height at 1/4 etc ?

 on: March 19, 2024, 21:02:25 
Started by ACR - Last post by stormforce
Hi, each map has a combination of 'inland', 'costal' and 'off-shore' water areas. The wave-height setting is relative to these areas.

i.e. you cannot have much more than a ripple in 'inland' waters regardless of the wave-height setting.

To get good waves max out the wave-height and choose a map with large 'off-shore' water areas.

Marseille is a good example, the further out you get from the port the higher the waves are.

Hope this helps your understanding of how SSE treats waves.

 on: March 18, 2024, 20:57:17 
Started by ACR - Last post by WillisP20092
Hey ACR,

So do you mean the description of the wave height? It only shows the pre-defined conditions, you cannot have double the height of waves if you double click. Hope this helps.


 on: March 13, 2024, 22:05:42 
Started by ACR - Last post by ACR
Hello !

I just reinstalled sse and have fun with it ! Long time since release but the game still has some bite in it but Not sure if the forum is still active

One question : is there any reference to the wave height vs the actual slider position in enviroment settings ?

It seems to be non linear , so pushing the slider twice the way does not reflect in double wave height .

I can only read 'light breeze' 'stormy' etc at all and guess.

Thanks !

 on: February 15, 2024, 12:49:05 
Started by WillisP20092 - Last post by WillisP20092
Here is a video to get a better glimpse.

It crashes after that. You can see the blue loading symbol around the cursor

 on: February 15, 2024, 01:23:35 
Started by WillisP20092 - Last post by WillisP20092
Hi Luc,

Yes SSE is working normally so far.  I am trying to troubleshoot ShipSim 08. I'll keep working on this and hopefully find a solution.


 on: February 14, 2024, 14:53:18 
Started by WillisP20092 - Last post by LucAtC
Hello Willis,

Did you reinstall SSEx, I see that you launched an MP session in Sydney ?
Except for some bad file error, the only reason to prevent an environment to be launched is that it doesn't match the server environment data. Wrong build number, missing file?
Here are the folders containing environment related data:

The graphical environment representation

The environment SSEx configuration


Common environment objects

eventually, some specific environment act files, containing added data like bouncing limits


 on: February 13, 2024, 14:55:32 
Started by WillisP20092 - Last post by WillisP20092
Hi Luc,

So I did find out that if the map is just plain ocean, it works fine. But once the map is Rotterdam or The Solent, etc, it doesn't work. I'm not sure why this happens but probably something with the loading of the map. 


 on: February 12, 2024, 11:30:20 
Started by WillisP20092 - Last post by LucAtC
Hello Willis,

Windows Defender, antivirus, internet connection? You probably know way more about multiplayer than most people, and I am certainly not able to be of any help. Eventually, if and when you will have found the solution to the issue, please come back to tell us more about it.
Thanks in advance,

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