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 on: December 14, 2024, 01:36:05 
Started by wetpaint1984 - Last post by Gab
Back in the days, shipsim sold the Ship Control Unit. It has been discontinued several years ago. There is no dedicated lever for the bow thruster, but you can configure the available buttons. You can still purchase it new on some websites, like here:

There was also the Shipdriver. In my opinion it seemed a better option because there were more buttons to configure. There are dedicated switches for bow and stern thrusters. I don't think you can still purchase new, but here is one listed on ebay right now:

Sadly I never had the budget for any of them, so I can't vouch for one or the other.

 on: December 12, 2024, 19:40:48 
Started by wetpaint1984 - Last post by wetpaint1984
Hello and Good Day,      ► Can someone lead me to some hardware Ship Simulator Controls in a console. We would like to the Simulator for some Training. Is it possible to purchase some console controls for the Simulator?

 on: December 12, 2024, 02:59:27 
Started by Mad_Fred - Last post by Gab
Obviously there isn't much activity anymore, but if the timing is right you can still find a multiplayer partner ;)

 on: December 12, 2024, 02:53:13 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by Gab
2 or 3 years ago I managed to keep a SSE server up and running 24/7. It lasted for a while, until I had to move to a smaller place. I don't have enough space for the server anymore. Hopefully this will change by the end of 2025. I plan on rebooting the server then. Maybe I could run a SS08 server too. It depends if my friend Stormforce will be able to show me how. He's the real technical genius after all!

 on: November 29, 2024, 19:07:11 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by will6418
Is someone able to make a multiplayer server? I’m unable to spawn in mine. Thanks


 on: November 27, 2024, 11:27:03 
Started by GB49 - Last post by oldman777
So as not to search in the future. Legacy games require the full DirectX package.
DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010):

 on: November 26, 2024, 19:19:24 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by will6418
Hi Luc, it was a separate application, sort of like the Ss08 server. Maybe it is part of RakNet which is the multiplayer host of the game? I’ve reached out to Mr. Robville in the past but he hasn’t gotten back to me since.


 on: November 26, 2024, 17:20:23 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by LucAtC
Hello Willis,

Sorry, I have no info about this application, and even don't remember that we ever exchanged about it. Was there anything specific about it that the game engine cannot do?
Mr Robville certainly knows more about it !


 on: November 26, 2024, 16:31:10 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by will6418
It’s part of the Questviewer program but you wouldn’t be able to open and edit them because they are encrypted.

What I wonder exists is the official multiplayer server application that vstep used for their official servers. Hosting would be so much easier. Luc, do you know of the server application that they used?


 on: November 26, 2024, 12:21:12 
Started by CapnCrane - Last post by LucAtC
Hello CapnCrane,

2) I can only repeat that your version of Fairmount Sherpa and ToisaAnerxartiti is flawed, so that I cannot do anything about it but to check the files. My guess is that another file was broken, the missing foremast being a clear indication.

5) Yes, that is indeed possible, but I don't think so, as the Visual Studio redist concern all ships, and apparently your DirectX is now correctly installed. Eventually once more, a missed/confused copy of the ship folder.

The moderators and developer have a rather extended editor, no mystery about that, alas still slightly bugged, rather complex and protected by an NDA. We are all volunteers, know SS2008 and SSE rather well and can help when needed, but there is not much that Vstep will do to change anything to the existing games, be it only the possible introduction of bugs in a complex construction. Not much means zero.

The only possibilities to change/mod something have been given up to now extensively in this forum, especially like you know well in theCommunity Development board. It concerns camera viewpoints, and some other uncompiled files and such modifications are mostly unwanted because of the eventuality of interfering with the multiplayer game.
Your suggestions about the up to now ten changes to Phaedrus can partially solved by you, i.e. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 points, which concern the cameras. As I already explained somewhere else, the camera part of the editor is bugged, and it is just the same to manually edit the Phaedrus.cam file, knowing that the origin position of the lights, is at some arbitrary position -but exactly- on the transverse axis, 15.10 meter lower and 21.00 meter more to the stern than the first >Helmsman< position.

Bow splashes (2) and lights (7, 8, 9) remain compiled/crypted, I'll see what I can do, not much about the bow splashes, I can but don't know how it works, they were prepared by the very patient Johan. Same goes for the lights and the console ont he bridge roof, but I already modified some lights, so it should be ok if Johan doesn't show up (hello, Johan, alles OK?).

Have fun with tweaking cameras,

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