Ship Simulator

English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: berniek on September 14, 2009, 20:34:56

Title: Thrusters
Post by: berniek on September 14, 2009, 20:34:56

The thruster terminology is confusing me.The manual refers to "bow thruster steering port (left)". Does this mean the thruster is on port and will push the ship to starboard, or does it mean the thruster will push the ship to port?

How can I tell if a ship even has thrusters? Is there a listing somehere that shows which ships in the program have thusters?

I was trying to move the Titanic away from the dock but nothing was happening. Is this because the Titanic was built before thruster technology was available am I just using the thruster controls improperly? Is there a guide to using thrusters in SS? Thank you.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Agent|Austin on September 14, 2009, 20:53:33
If you press C the thruster control will pop up.

And the manual refers to the key that will move the ship to the port side.

Titanic is not equipped with thrusters because tugs would be used to assist it into port.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Wave Music on September 14, 2009, 20:54:44
If you see this control on the screen that means the ship has a (bow) thruster:


Default keys are   < (moves bow to port) &  > (moves bow to starboard)

AHTS Fairmount Sherpa has also a stern thruster  Z (moves stern to port) &  X (to starboard)
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Ballast on September 14, 2009, 21:28:08

I was trying to move the Titanic away from the dock but nothing was happening. Is this because the Titanic was built before thruster technology was available am I just using the thruster controls improperly? Is there a guide to using thrusters in SS? Thank you.

For the Titanic, and any other twin propellor vessel, you can turn the vessel on a very tight spot by setting one engine ahead and the other one astern. For example, when you want to turn over portside, set the starboard engine ahead and the portside engine astern. You can also set the rudder to port. For turning over starboardside, you should do the opposite...  ;)

With this way, you can easily get the Titanic away from the dock  :) When you use this trick on a vessel with 2 engines and a bowthruster, you can easily turn her on the spot.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Agent|Austin on September 14, 2009, 21:30:51
Ships with thrusters:

Agile Solution
Fairmount Sherpa
Jumbo Javelin
Ocean Star
Portoferraio Angel
Pride of Rotterdam
RPA 12
VLCC Latitude

I think that is all of them.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Ballast on September 14, 2009, 21:32:14
Ships with thrusters:

Agile Solution
Fairmount Sherpa
Jumbo Javelin
Ocean Star
Portoferraio Angel
Pride of Rotterdam
RPA 12
VLCC Latitude

I think that is all of them.

The Latitude doenst have a bowthruster.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Wave Music on September 14, 2009, 21:33:15
I think that is all of them.

+ Freedom 90.  ;)
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: The Ferry Man on September 14, 2009, 21:36:14
+ Freedom 90.  ;)

And Freedom 90 is easier to control with the bow thruster then the rudders, in my opinion...
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Agent|Austin on September 14, 2009, 21:37:43
Freedom 90 doesn't have bow thrusters, it just has air vents, that can be steered. Not the definition of a bow thruster.

Latitude has bow thrusters for me.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Wave Music on September 14, 2009, 21:38:49
Latitude had only a sign of a bow thruster, it was removed in 1.4.2 patch.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Dave M on September 14, 2009, 21:55:14
Hi AgentAustin,
The Portoferraio Angel doesn't have an official bow thruster, if you push < or > it will react, but, the controls don't show up on the bridge.

Regards, Dave

Ships with thrusters:

Agile Solution
Fairmount Sherpa
Jumbo Javelin
Ocean Star
Portoferraio Angel
Pride of Rotterdam
RPA 12
VLCC Latitude

I think that is all of them.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Agent|Austin on September 14, 2009, 21:57:56
Hi AgentAustin,
The Portoferraio Angel doesn't have an official bow thruster, if you push < or > it will react, but, the controls don't show up on the bridge.

Regards, Dave

Are you sure, the screenshots I looked at had a bow thruster control in the wheelhouse.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Ballast on September 14, 2009, 21:58:39
Hi AgentAustin,
The Portoferraio Angel doesn't have an official bow thruster, if you push < or > it will react, but, the controls don't show up on the bridge.

Regards, Dave

The PA does have bow thruster controls, pls look on the attachement  :)
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Dave M on September 14, 2009, 23:13:10
Hi both,
 :doh: It has been about 3/4 months since I have had time time to actually play SS08, (work and stuff  :) ). It was the Northern Star that I was thinking about.  :-[

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on September 14, 2009, 23:29:26
IIRC wasn't it a russian destroyer which was the first ship to ever be fitted with bow thrusters? Certainly long after Titanic anyway.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on September 15, 2009, 00:08:11
Hello Dave,

Quite right you are !  :lol:

:doh:  It was the Northern Star that I was thinking about.  :-[

The "Northern Star" is not fitted/dose not show a bow thruster, but it actualy works as if.

When you use the < or > keys the ship will move accordingly.

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik

PS; It was fitted whith one in the 2006 version !  ::)
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on September 15, 2009, 00:22:31

That is quite a find you did there.  ;D

Latitude has bow thrusters for me.

Tipical, that must have been the American version then, we never seen them on Latitude !  8)

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on September 15, 2009, 07:42:01
Hi There,

I'd also like to let you know about the Fairmount Sherpa Thrusters (I use the Sherpa all the time, It's my main "Boat" :lol:)

You'll see two thruster controls, The top one is your Normal Bow Thruster, the  bottom one is a stern Thruster. So, For example, you're about 5 meters away, parrarel to a harbour wall on your port side, you'd push both levers left (Port for port).

Or, for  example, you want to turn around in a hurry, you'd set the thrusters opposite eachother, depending on what way you're wanting to spin.

It all comes with experience really, and being able to judge...I've had over a year with (Almost) just the Sherpa (Furie being my second boat, for pleasure Hehe).

Good luck! And, if you have any more questions, as I always say, Feel free to ask.

Kind Regards,
Tip: If you're REALLY in a hurry to turn around with the Sherpa...Set the thrusters opposite eachother, the Throttles opposite eachother, and turn the wheel either port or starboard, whatever way you're going....You'll have her turned on her length if you don't force the engine too much. You don't want to "Spin out"  Either. But it's fun, you'll like it! ;D
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: ARTSHIP († 2010) on September 15, 2009, 09:10:16
Hi Jack
If you like Furie, try my mission AGILE SOLUTION ON A TIME CHARTER TRIP PART 1
Available in the Creator's Forum
I have used the Furie to tow the AS out of a narrow port in Rotterdam.

Hi There,

I'd also like to let you know about the Fairmount Sherpa Thrusters (I use the Sherpa all the time, It's my main "Boat" :lol:)

You'll see two thruster controls, The top one is your Normal Bow Thruster, the  bottom one is a stern Thruster. So, For example, you're about 5 meters away, parrarel to a harbour wall on your port side, you'd push both levers left (Port for port).

Or, for  example, you want to turn around in a hurry, you'd set the thrusters opposite eachother, depending on what way you're wanting to spin.

It all comes with experience really, and being able to judge...I've had over a year with (Almost) just the Sherpa (Furie being my second boat, for pleasure Hehe).

Good luck! And, if you have any more questions, as I always say, Feel free to ask.

Kind Regards,
Tip: If you're REALLY in a hurry to turn around with the Sherpa...Set the thrusters opposite eachother, the Throttles opposite eachother, and turn the wheel either port or starboard, whatever way you're going....You'll have her turned on her length if you don't force the engine too much. You don't want to "Spin out"  Either. But it's fun, you'll like it! ;D
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Bottman on September 15, 2009, 14:39:06
For the Titanic, and any other twin propellor vessel, you can turn the vessel on a very tight spot by setting one engine ahead and the other one astern. For example, when you want to turn over portside, set the starboard engine ahead and the portside engine astern. You can also set the rudder to port. For turning over starboardside, you should do the opposite...  ;)

With this way, you can easily get the Titanic away from the dock  :) When you use this trick on a vessel with 2 engines and a bowthruster, you can easily turn her on the spot.
Guess the "Titanics" Chief would cry :evil: :evil: :evil:, if the vessels master has made a decision to leave the quay in that way! Keep in mind, that there wasn't CPP's on board - and just one single rudder.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: berniek on September 15, 2009, 15:50:42
I appreciate everyone's responses but I still can't get Titanic away from the dock.Port engine reversed and starboard forward with rudder turned to port is doing nothing other than pushing the ship against the dock from which it doesn't move. The control reference chart shows using the colon and quotation keys to start the engines, which I've tried with no success. I can't really tell if these keys are doing anything. What else is there to do?
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Wave Music on September 15, 2009, 16:08:38
Is that happens always or you're talking about some mission (probably "Titanic's voyage from Southampton to New York") ?
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: sadsid († 2016) on September 15, 2009, 16:27:11
You do know it can take as long as 3 to 8mins to get titanic away from quay
this was spoken about before so are you waiting long enough  :-\
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Ballast on September 15, 2009, 17:50:03
Guess the "Titanics" Chief would cry :evil: :evil: :evil:, if the vessels master has made a decision to leave the quay in that way! Keep in mind, that there wasn't CPP's on board - and just one single rudder.

Yeah i know, but in real life the master would have ordered tugboats  ;D
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: berniek on September 15, 2009, 18:44:14
Is that happens always or you're talking about some mission (probably "Titanic's voyage from Southampton to New York") ?
I haven't tried elsewhere but it's happening on The Solent mission, Titanic Voyage to New York which is toward the bottom of the SS 2008 Mission List
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on September 15, 2009, 19:16:46
Hi berniek,
Try this:- leave one backspring rope fast and go full astern on port engine if you are starboard side to the quay. If you wait a while, the bow will start to swing out, and when clear enough, let go the spring and go ahead on both engines. In the attached picture she is swinging off the quay at 120 per minute. This is how it was done when the tugboatmen were on strike.  :evil: This operation took just under 2m30s. as you can see in time elapsed, top right.

P.S. I have just checked the mission you describe. To get the effect I describe let go all moorings except the aftermost sternline and come astern on the port engine until the remaining mooring becomes a backspring. It will work, I promise you. ::)
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Ballast on September 15, 2009, 19:28:42
That's a good method Traddles, didnt think of that one! This way you also wont risk that the vessel is going astern too much and will ground.

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Capt. Matt on September 15, 2009, 19:29:55
That mission irritates me I havent tried it on my new computer though, that may bring me better luck but yes it does take awhile, and Austin, VLCC Does NOT have thrusters, otherwise we wouldnt need 10 tugs when we go into the harbor ::)


And never thought of that traddles, Ill be sure to test that out :thumbs:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on September 15, 2009, 19:50:35
Hi berniek,

Just was simulating your problems with "Titanic Voyage to New York"

I appreciate everyone's responses but I still can't get Titanic away from the dock.Port engine reversed and starboard forward with rudder turned to port is doing nothing other than pushing the ship against the dock from which it doesn't move.

That will work eventualy, but as Sadsid said you must be patient.
As long as the movement of the vessel isn't wild or violent, there will be no damage (here in the SIM  ::)).
Master Traddles has offered some sound advice with the moringlines,
however in the SIM I find that (with the lines) is not working here as to be expected in real life sailing,
Where it is the way to go.
My personel try: a short burst forward, with full starboard rudder will free the aft of the ship from the dock.
In real life you would use the foreward-spring line to support that, a variable use from master Traddles advice.
Then "full" astern to stop the forward motion / preventing damage. when you'll have enough space:
Rudder full to port and all ahead 1/3 and manouvre the ship slowely out of the shallow water into the main fairway.
Adjust rudder, thust and speed as you would normaly do, to stay in controle.

The control reference chart shows using the colon and quotation keys to start the engines, which I've tried with no success. I can't really tell if these keys are doing anything.

It depends what kind of keyboard you use. I have a complete different keysetting (default) for that activity.
You better try the start stop the engine keys on a vessel with signaling lights to check that status First, before you apply the keystroke with Titanic. It could be : you swiched off !  :o

Hope you have enough tips, to sail the mission; and wish you a safe trip.

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Dave M on September 15, 2009, 21:44:56
Hi eviss,
You are right. :)
On some computers/missions, if you try to move with a spring rope attached then nothing will happen. I do the same as you but, if I still don't have enough room, I will go astern and re-set a spring rope to pull the bow out a little more.

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on September 15, 2009, 23:04:50
Hello Dave,

Thanks, that is the fun part of this game, isn't it.  ;)

You are right. :)
On some computers/missions, if you try to move with a spring rope attached then nothing will happen. I do the same as you but, if I still don't have enough room, I will go astern and re-set a spring rope to pull the bow out a little more.

If you've done the exercise in real, you can try, if it can be simulated, or even vice versa !  ;D

Then you know and be able to explain to the new members, how it CAN be done in ShipSim.  ::)

That is having fun, doing it / making thing work !  :lol:

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Dave M on September 15, 2009, 23:44:47
Hello Dave,
If you've done the exercise in real, you can try, if it can be simulated, or even vice versa !  ;D

Then you know and be able to explain to the new members, how it CAN be done in ShipSim.  ::)

That is having fun, doing it / making thing work !  :lol:

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Hi Erik,
That is the fun. Being able to do it, and, helping others to understand how to do it. :2thumbs:

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: berniek on September 18, 2009, 14:05:04
Hi berniek,
Try this:- leave one backspring rope fast and go full astern on port engine if you are starboard side to the quay. If you wait a while, the bow will start to swing out, and when clear enough, let go the spring and go ahead on both engines. In the attached picture she is swinging off the quay at 120 per minute. This is how it was done when the tugboatmen were on strike.  :evil: This operation took just under 2m30s. as you can see in time elapsed, top right.

P.S. I have just checked the mission you describe. To get the effect I describe let go all moorings except the aftermost sternline and come astern on the port engine until the remaining mooring becomes a backspring. It will work, I promise you. ::)

Thank you very much for the information. However, after repeated tries there is no way that I can even get close to your 2m30sec time for the operation. Would you please be more specific about rudder operation during this manuever, and should there be any forward/aft changes to engines  to get the ship as evenly spaced from the quay as seen in your picture. If I were able to match your performance in 10 minutes, I would be thrilled.  Thank you again!!
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on September 18, 2009, 16:22:02
As the rudder is only effective when the vessel is actually moving it should be let in the amidships position during the manoeuvre. However, as has been mentioned above, some computers do not seem to let the ship move if there are any mooring ropes still made fast. Why this should be the case I do not know I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: berniek on September 18, 2009, 17:22:45
As the rudder is only effective when the vessel is actually moving it should be let in the amidships position during the manoeuvre. However, as has been mentioned above, some computers do not seem to let the ship move if there are any mooring ropes still made fast. Why this should be the case I do not know I'm afraid.

What computer are you using? How much RAM?
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on September 18, 2009, 18:55:29
Hi again berniek,
I am using a Compaq Presario computer, with 2.045GB RAM and an intel core duo processor of 2 X 2.13 Ghz. I have a Nvidia Gforce graphics card model 8600GT super.

I have looked again at the mission which is causing you problems and I attach 4 pictures.
1. Shows the ship at the start of the mission with all mooring ropes shown.
2. Shows all ropes except the aftermost let go.
3. Shows the port engine at full astern helm amidships. After just over 2m30s. The ship has come astern slowly and has started to cant away from the quay as the mooring rope becomes tight.
4. Shows her clear of the quay, both engines at full ahead and helm still amidships.
From this point onwards it is a simple case of avoiding the green buoy on your port bow and then steering her down Southampton Water.
I will also attach my Dx Diag so you can compare with your ownmachine. Perhaps you could try the custom mission "Titanic 2" which gives an easier place to depart from. You only need to get Titanic away from the berth and then you can see how she handles going downthe Water.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Jakespin118 on September 18, 2009, 20:28:10
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: The Ferry Man on September 18, 2009, 20:28:51

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: berniek on September 19, 2009, 14:56:55
Hi again berniek,
I am using a Compaq Presario computer, with 2.045GB RAM and an intel core duo processor of 2 X 2.13 Ghz. I have a Nvidia Gforce graphics card model 8600GT super.

I have looked again at the mission which is causing you problems and I attach 4 pictures.
1. Shows the ship at the start of the mission with all mooring ropes shown.
2. Shows all ropes except the aftermost let go.
3. Shows the port engine at full astern helm amidships. After just over 2m30s. The ship has come astern slowly and has started to cant away from the quay as the mooring rope becomes tight.
4. Shows her clear of the quay, both engines at full ahead and helm still amidships.
From this point onwards it is a simple case of avoiding the green buoy on your port bow and then steering her down Southampton Water.
I will also attach my Dx Diag so you can compare with your ownmachine. Perhaps you could try the custom mission "Titanic 2" which gives an easier place to depart from. You only need to get Titanic away from the berth and then you can see how she handles going downthe Water.

Thanks again for the time you've spent with this. It doesn't look like I'll be able to get close to the performance that you're seeing on your system. I've compared your DXDIAG results with mine and my system is just not going to perform like yours. You have a dual processor (2 CPU's) each running at 2.13 GHZ. I only have a 2.8 GHZ single processor. Your system is probably handling large amounts of data much faster than mine can.. We both have the same amount of RAM but your video card has 512 mb of display memory and I have 256 mb.  We both have plenty of page file space available. Our Nvidia drivers are both very current. Bottom line is that although it's fun to try to understand the problem, life is too short to spend more time trying to improve the way that the game is performing in this mission. Thank you again!

Best regards,
Bernie K
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on September 22, 2009, 23:22:30
Hoi Bernie,

Thanks again for the time you've spent with this. It doesn't look like I'll be able to get close to the performance that you're seeing on your system. I've compared your DXDIAG results with mine and my system is just not going to perform like yours. You have a dual processor (2 CPU's) each running at 2.13 GHZ. I only have a 2.8 GHZ single processor. Your system is probably handling large amounts of data much faster than mine can.. We both have the same amount of RAM but your video card has 512 mb of display memory and I have 256 mb.  We both have plenty of page file space available. Our Nvidia drivers are both very current. Bottom line is that although it's fun to try to understand the problem, life is too short to spend more time trying to improve the way that the game is performing in this mission. Thank you again!

Best regards,
Bernie K

This way is the better way to understand your reply, i think !  ;D

Good luck, trying the next challange ! ;)

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on September 29, 2009, 14:00:34
Sir Traddles,

I'm intrigued by your method of getting the dull-ship from the berth. Did they really do that when no tugs were available???

The sheering forces on the hull must have been immense. I know they use a similar method for ferries (especially Dover-Calais in the same environment) when they swing the stern out- the force is transmitted on the bow must be huge, but they are less than half the tonnage of the dull-ship.

Is there any evidence that this damaged the ship?
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on September 29, 2009, 19:32:25
Hi Stuart,
The method I describe is an old standard which was, and still is, used regularly. It works well for large and small vessels, however the modern ships with their bow thrusters and azipods have no need to do this kind of thing. With an old type of ship, a bit like me that is, :o the manoeuvre can be done with a for'd backspring and engine going ahead thus canting the stern off rather than the bow. This way it makes sure the prop/s don't get smashed. :doh: I never heard of any ship getting damaged doing this. There is not any particular stress involved. Always bear in mind to make certain that no one, including yourself, is standing inside the wire loop between the winch and fairlead. This of course doesn't apply in the game. ::)

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: TerryRussell on October 01, 2009, 18:46:54
Hi Angus.

Regarding your earlier point about why the spring lines won't always work on all PCs, I think it may be down to the graphics card and PC performance, strangely. We know that a slow PC or one with a lower-spec graphics card will affect the top speed of faster vessels. I think that the lack of spring may be a similar effect.

Just wild stab in the dark (Blackadder used that term as a threat, rather magnificently, of course), but I think it is likely.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Nathan|C on October 01, 2009, 19:10:22
Hi Stuart,
The method I describe is an old standard which was, and still is, used regularly. It works well for large and small vessels, however the modern ships with their bow thrusters and azipods have no need to do this kind of thing. With an old type of ship, a bit like me that is, :o the manoeuvre can be done with a for'd backspring and engine going ahead thus canting the stern off rather than the bow. This way it makes sure the prop/s don't get smashed. :doh: I never heard of any ship getting damaged doing this. There is not any particular stress involved. Always bear in mind to make certain that no one, including yourself, is standing inside the wire loop between the winch and fairlead. This of course doesn't apply in the game. ::)


Traddles/Stuart, is this what you are describing when they swing the stern out first..(Skip to 2:00)

Seems a pretty odd way for the ferry to leave, as she has bow thrusters...I have to admit I have never seen this ship leave like this before  ???
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on October 01, 2009, 23:23:06
Even though that part of the video with Pride of Hull is so short, it would appear that she is "Springing off" her berth just as you say. It is difficult to tell exactly, but could it be she had some sort of problem that day which prevented her usual mode of departure. ??? Thanks for that though, much appreciated, one picture is worth a thousand words. ;D

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Nathan|C on October 02, 2009, 08:19:33
I have a DVD made by a friend who has travelled on the Pride of Hull a lot, and one brief shot shows the ship in a position like that. Whenever I have been on they have always swung straight off the berth

(Like this )

...maybe she did have some kind of problem in the past :-\

I guess I should of asked about it last time I was on  :doh:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 02, 2009, 23:49:51
Thanks Angus

I know when I was on the SeaChance Molly, I remember thinking that when they pushed the stern out, it *appeared* that the ship was pivoting on the bow- but I suppose the whole force isn't really transmitted through that one point.

Thanks for clearing it up anyway
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on October 03, 2009, 15:33:00
For those players who have an interest in this topic I attach a little exercise. The object is to take "North Star" off her berth and out into Red Hook Channel, New York harbour. The catch is that due to poor engine maintenance the astern linkage for the main engine is broken and you only have ahead power available. It is easy if you cheat and use astern power, but resist the temptation and don't :o This kind of emergency happens in reality and a good seaman will get round it. To do it correctly only takes a few minutes and illustrates the theme of this topic. I offer my thanks to mvsmith for the concept which he has witnessed in reality. :evil:

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 03, 2009, 15:46:44
It is easy if you cheat
:o WHAT are you saying about us, Sir? ???

Angus, despite my earlier shock, I wonder now if this is similar to how the Wightlink (FASTCAT) boats cast off Portsmouth pier. I didn't actually see how they did it (or didn't pay attention!) but noted they don't have bow thrusters but still cast off as if they do (from a passenger perspective anyway)
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on October 03, 2009, 16:33:19
Now would I REALLY cast aspersions upon the totally honest members of this forum. ??? :o However,  :evil: "If the cap fits". Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. :angel:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 03, 2009, 17:22:14
Sarcasm? I'm shocked.  :o You'd never catch ME being sarcastic  :angel:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: The Ferry Man on October 03, 2009, 17:34:19
:o WHAT are you saying about us, Sir? ???

Angus, despite my earlier shock, I wonder now if this is similar to how the Wightlink (FASTCAT) boats cast off Portsmouth pier. I didn't actually see how they did it (or didn't pay attention!) but noted they don't have bow thrusters but still cast off as if they do (from a passenger perspective anyway)


They first turn towards the quay side, so they are diagonal with the bow closest, stern furthest. They then reverse before turning the other way to depart  ;D
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 03, 2009, 17:56:41
Are you sure on that? I thought I had seen them doing as Capt Traddles described- that is pivoting on the stern, not the bow.

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: The Ferry Man on October 03, 2009, 18:08:15
Are you sure on that? I thought I had seen them doing as Capt Traddles described- that is pivoting on the stern, not the bow.

Trust me I have watched them do it - I now use there method with RJ4

I will see if I have some pictures of them doing it

Edit: Sadly I don't, and no YouTube video

But they do do it that way
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 03, 2009, 21:58:37
Yes, I have seen it the way you describe... But I'm sure I've also seen it the way Angus has described it, I think.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on October 04, 2009, 21:01:21
With reference to my little exercise. Marty (mvsmith) saw this done in a narrow river when he was on a research vessel. In the actual real case which he observed, the ship lay moored starb'd side to the jetty, bows pointing upriver, and the spring was led from the PORT fairlead right AROUND the bow and then to the jetty. The ship was thus able to complete a full 1800 turn and sail off down river. Sadly mooring ropes in the game will not go round corners so I had to make do as is.

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: TerryRussell on October 04, 2009, 21:15:04
With reference to my little exercise. Marty (mvsmith) saw this done in a narrow river when he was on a research vessel. In the actual real case which he observed, the ship lay moored starb'd side to the jetty, bows pointing upriver, and the spring was led from the PORT fairlead right AROUND the bow and then to the jetty. The ship was thus able to complete a full 1800 turn and sail off down river. Sadly mooring ropes in the game will not go round corners so I had to make do as is.


Now that takes some skill!

Done wrongly, that vessel could have had bad scrapes on both sides and a crumpled bow. With really bad skills, they might have been able to wrap the hawser around the propellors and take them off. But that would need really bad skills!  ;D
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on October 04, 2009, 23:13:20
Hello Angus,

With reference to my little exercise. Marty (mvsmith) saw this done in a narrow river when he was on a research vessel. 
bows pointing upriver / to complete a full 1800 turn and sail off down river.

Luckely for me, the springline effect could be executed in favor of this exercise with the Northern Star.

Sometimes "the ship" (like the Vermaas) will not move at all, when a line is attached.

Adding to the presented example is the consideration where Marty is also refering to: the river  ;D

It would be great to have a ShipSim version with effects like wind, wave and currents.

Spending a lot of my sailing times on rivers, there is a variaty of ways to use moring- or tow-lines to direct the ship without using of propulsion or thrusters.

The currents against the side of (loaded ships) and the rudders of course, can therefor be used to stear (within limmits) the ship.

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: mvsmith on October 05, 2009, 00:01:49
I should add that R/V Argo was a converted US Navy diesel-electric ARS with twin screws and rudder. By skillful use of a backing screw, the bow can be kept clear of the dock while momentum carries the ship around. This is not really necessary for a small—214 feet—vessel that can stand being pressed gently against a wood-faced dock. (
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: eviss on October 05, 2009, 00:25:50
Hello Marty,

Great moment, I'm happy, to hear / see you again.

By skillful use of a backing screw, the bow can be kept clear of the dock
This is not really necessary for a small—214 feet—vessel that can stand being pressed gently against a wood-faced dock.

I figured that to be the case, in order to stay clear of any structural damage !

vr. gr. / kind regards, Erik
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: TerryRussell on October 05, 2009, 20:05:51
I should add that R/V Argo was a converted US Navy diesel-electric ARS with twin screws and rudder. By skillful use of a backing screw, the bow can be kept clear of the dock while momentum carries the ship around. This is not really necessary for a small—214 feet—vessel that can stand being pressed gently against a wood-faced dock. (

Hi Marty.

I still reckon that takes a lot of skill.  :thumbs:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Aad The Pirate on October 06, 2009, 22:34:14
For those players who have an interest in this topic I attach a little exercise. The object is to take "North Star" off her berth and out into Red Hook Channel, New York harbour. The catch is that due to poor engine maintenance the astern linkage for the main engine is broken and you only have ahead power available. It is easy if you cheat and use astern power, but resist the temptation and don't :o This kind of emergency happens in reality and a good seaman will get round it. To do it correctly only takes a few minutes and illustrates the theme of this topic. I offer my thanks to mvsmith for the concept which he has witnessed in reality. :evil:

Ahoy Agnus
And so I had to try it out, and off course, I made a movie:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: mvsmith on October 07, 2009, 00:49:51
Hi Aad,
Nice video, but I thought the object was to do it without the bow thruster.

The geometry and physics are a clue:
The relative positions of the rudder pintle and the mooring bollard on the ship make it impossible to produce a significant turning moment with screw and rudder.
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on October 07, 2009, 15:18:35
Hi Aad,
As Marty says, I too like the video, but I do not see how to do it that way WITHOUT the magic bow thruster. The following 5 pictures show the way it is done. Sorry I cannot make a video but the pics. and their titles indicate the sequence. The "." use of the non existant thruster is cheating. :o

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Aad The Pirate on October 08, 2009, 20:49:38
Ahoy Marty and Angus,
You caught me redhanded. Well, I'll make it up to you with this video:

Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Traddles on October 08, 2009, 23:25:09
Hi Aad,
Thanks for that one. It is easy when you know how, :-* possibly a little paintwork scraped, but it is an emergency manoeuvre after all. :P You now qualify for this. :captain:
Title: Re: Thrusters
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 10, 2009, 17:00:28

Thaks for the graphical translation, so we non-seafarers have an idea what you seadogs are actually talking about  ;D

Marty, very nice to see you back. 'Hope you are well. :)