Hey Austin, and the rest of you people!
The forum might need more fun from time to time, but creating a topic about a message on a hanger that your dry cleaning is on, is stretching the Small Talk idea a bit too much I think. I go to shops everyday where they have customer pleasing messages or phrases on loads of stuff, but why would I tell any of you this? It's totally irrelevant to this forum.
Are you sure you're not just trying to post your topic-count? Muhaaa..
Sorry, seriously now, lately we've had complaints from serveral people about the very trivial, everyday stuff that get's posted in here, that has no real value to the forum as such. And I really think some of these complaints do have their merits. Originally this Small Talk area was meant for nautical small talk, or at least somewhat relevant subjects, like ships, sailing, simulators, etc. And this is of course not at all how Small Talk is mostly used. And a WHOLE lot is allowed, but there are limits. There is so much that is waaaayyy 'out there' now, that some people make complaints. And I tend to agree with some of them. Not all, but some.
So try to keep it somewhat in the realms of the subjects that are worth talking about, that would make for a good chat or conversation, that would be nice to read or that would interest people. If everyone were to post what they do and see on a day to day basis, the forum would clutter up with nonesense, and the staff is not here to go through everyone's daily mondain experiences. So please make it worthwile.
Telling everyone what you saw on a clothes hanger or telling us what you had for breakfast, or how many times the dog barked today, or what the friendly lady at the checkout in the supermarket said to you, or if it rained for half an hour after which the sun came out, or if a friend phoned you about something silly, or how much delay there was at the bus station, or wether or not you decided to wear a hat today, and if maybe you found a dollar on your way to the shops, and which direction the wind was blowing, and how many people you talked to all day, and such other trivial things, do not make good 'new topic' material to be honest. I think you get the point.