Yes,i've seen it to,which was very helpfull.
However it takes time to create(even a tutoral)
Now my idea was to create every month,some kind of tutoral,starting with what tools/programs,do you need.
This means not the programs you have to buy,but maybe some free-downloads if they do the job.
Than start from the very first beginning,explain the tools a.s.o
Afther a while more people get interested in modelling,also 1 of the reasons is that some people are maybe able to read english,however,when it becomes technical they cant follow anymore.Most of the tutorals are in english,which is sometimes difficult or even to fast to read.
Because it is also timeconsuming to make a tutoral,modellers can make some turnschedual,one time he makes one,next time another,they can stick to one model,for them it's not that difficult to understand.
Also,that model can be a very easy one,maybe a row-boat.
Its only to understand the how's and what's about modeling,for the rookie's among us.
Good idea or not???